i like to bhop
Steam wallet code for skins (i dont go first unless large amounts of +reps(idc bout lounge)

https://gyazo.com/8f16e5b25ea4cec93d502f954ec08cf4 if u want to see me be stupid and bet everything
Currently Offline
Currently trade banned
Trade info And FAQ
Click more for information about me and trading.

- I can go first only if you are really trustworthy and reputable ( More than me )
- I'm not planning on scamming anybody. I'm a really busy trader and I am doing this full-time.
- I buy mostly CS:GO skins for money, but can trade my skins from my main account.

> Reasons to trade with me <
- I have a lot of comment in my profile all from customers
- I have never scammed someone and I'm not planning to scam anyone (I'm clean)
- I've already made over 98 successful trades and the codes worked all the time.
- I have past experiences with Paypal and Bitcoin etc.

I'm a legit trader and I am not planning to be a scammer.
Only add me if you are 100% secured that you want to trade for steam wallet.
I have better things to do than wasting my break for nothing. I'm working full time and im really busy.

FAQ DOWN BELOW (after the description)

Full Description of me and my service:

I am a pretty new steam wallet trader (been only around since March 2015).
If you are interested in trading with me, I need to tell you that im NOT giving out my codes FIRST. The reason for that is:

I don't really care about your rep or anything else because I got scammed for nearly 200€ in the last 4 weeks by people tricked me in giving out my codes first. So, only add me if you are willing to go first. I will only trade if you're really reputable and safe.

This is my second trading account, my last one unfortunately got phished some months ago and I lost access to it.

I'm a friendly trader, often looking for good deals and only overpay if I really want some Item.
Also: I am experienced with CS:GO and the item values, so don't try to fool me.
I used to trade with PayPal, Paysafe, Itunes Cards and Amazon Cards too, but im not trading with those anymore, because steam wallet is much better and easier for both the trader and the customer.
I've already traded with over 98 people and no one had problems with my codes.

I will not give you a code so you can play around and test if they are working. I have enough knowledge to know that this is retarded and you'll probably just block me and have fun with my wallet codes.


Why do you have no items in your inventory most of the time?
- Because this is only my trading account. I don't play on here.
- I have an alternate account/main account where I store my items and privately play CS:GO and other games. (For safety, i didn't want people/bots trying to scam me in my public profile)

Why don't you just buy the skins from the market?
- I buy skins with steam wallet codes to prevent waiting 7 days to trade.
- I don't like the fact that you lose like 20% of your money to Valve due to Steam market taxes.

Why do you only have around 500-600 hours on CS:GO?
- Because this is my trading account and I lost access to my first account recently.
- I don't have much time to play anyway because I'm usually busy trading codes.

Why should I trust you?
- You need to trust me, if you want to trade with me. It's your decision.
- Im trading with wallet codes for half year and I've traded with 41 people.
- I've got plenty of +reps on my profile.

Previous cash trades:
Pollen 26 Dec, 2017 @ 12:08pm 
lmao trade banned for scamming some kids ♥♥♥♥♥♥ falchion knife, if you're gonna scam someone at least make it worth the effort lmfaoooooooo
Kenőmájas #Salamon 25 Mar, 2017 @ 5:59pm 
✪gosdkjf 9 Aug, 2016 @ 11:31am 
Bride 4 Aug, 2016 @ 11:26am 
lol trade banned
66475 24 Jul, 2016 @ 12:44pm 
k dad, might be a scammer/10
red 21 Jul, 2016 @ 3:26pm 