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2 people found this review helpful
136.3 hrs on record (17.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Okay, so i've read good and bad reviews for this game, and I figure I should chime in and give my 2 cents for what they are worth.

This game is in VERY early access and has had multiple test phases, now there could be multiple reasons for them releasing the game into early access in the playable albeit rough state that it is in. For example they could have started running low on funding to keep developing the game, they could be getting pressure from their investors to show some profit results in order to keep developing. People tend to forget that although we are the consumer and we are going into a game for fun and enjoyment they can't keep developing games without the right funding nor without allowing larger amounts of people to play, the easiest way to deal with that is to release into early access on steam.

A lot of people have made comments about the enormous amount of time it takes to craft/resource/build although I do agree that they could cut that back some for sure, I also knew from the start that going into the game solo would make my experience vastly different than intended. I spend a LOT of time gathering and storing up materials just to be able to craft/build for a few minutes and to have to do it all over again due to lack of storage space or inventory space. This game was intended by the developer to play with large groups of people and spread the work load out between ALL of them, Have a few people specialize in very specific things rather than having a ton of jacks of all trades. They made comments on their discord/streams/socials about the intended purpose of why the crafting is so time consuming.

I personally do recommend this game for anyone and everyone that is looking for a graphically beautiful game that will eat up some time but allow you to feel like you have accomplished something once you are done. Please keep in mind that it is in a fairly rough state but is entirely playable IF you are used to early access games. Do not expect every little thing you do to work 100% of the time nor expect your time and effort to stay so long as the game is in early access. IMO if a developer releases into early access than you should expect wipes though like these developers did they should make a very strong point to express that fact that there may be wipes in the future.
Posted 24 June, 2024.
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96.5 hrs on record (7.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I have only played a bit over 7 hours so far and to some that's not much, however for someone that is not as into survival games as most I have to admit I am pleasantly surprised at how fun and entertaining this game is so far. The graphics are strong and beautiful, the combat is very fun and challenging, I haven't delved TOO far into the story of the world yet but it already seems pretty interesting as well. I do have to admit that the game being in EA does mean that there are definitely things to be cleaned up and polished so keep that in mind if you are looking into playing this game. Though to be honest there have been FAR worse games that have come out in EA that should have been left in the oven before releasing at all first.
Posted 2 June, 2024.
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294.8 hrs on record (65.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I have tried a many survival game and always end up finding things I don't like this game is no exception to that HOWEVER due to the far larger number of things I do enjoy about it that overshadow what I don't I definitely have to say it is worth the cost even in early access.

You get pets.....I mean who doesn't like pets
You get more pets
Your pets do the work FOR you

The building is definitely still wonky and a bit rough around the edges but doable
You do have to do the initial building before you can get your pals to craft and do the rest of the labor for you
There's never enough pets.....

Bottom line is this, in my honest opinion this is one of the best survival games hands down that will definitely hold your attention if you enjoy survival games and you enjoy having pets in games. Honestly I am definitely looking forward to what they continue to do with this game into the future.
Posted 1 February, 2024.
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82.6 hrs on record (22.2 hrs at review time)
My Honest Opinion after playing a decent amount of time and having played other souls type games:

The overall impression of this game is fair/good aside from a few issues that do stick out pretty strongly


1. As I am an avid fan of games that look very well made graphically my first pro is definitely the graphics,I have played a lot of games from A - Z on the scaling of amazing to terrible when it comes to graphics. I would happily say that the graphics in this game do it justice and were very very well thought out and created.The scenery is Grim Dark style most of the time yet still allows for the other gorgeous scenes to stick out enough that they don't clash. They have melded serious grim dark horror style graphics with beauty very well in this game.

2. The combat is very fun and although not as intuitive as some of the other souls type games
It does lead you to learn how to do a lot of the fights over time and learn how to block when needed. Although not as fluid as you would hope sometimes the hidden enemies and various tricks to the overall combat lend to it being fun and enjoyable most of the time.

3. I won't say the story is amazing but it is fun and interesting, and for me that is honestly all that I ask for, I don't expect a game to have a perfect story just not a bad one. It is a little less intuitive in the story than I would like however it is a souls type game so that's to a point kind of expected.

Cons: Now here are the main ones that really bother me overall and I feel like also bother a lot of other people as well.

1. Multiplayer - They advertised and showed off this game as a "seamless" multiplayer game however it is FAR from a true seamless multiplayer game. True seamless multiplayer allows for the players to gain at the same time while playing together and although you do gain SOME which is an overstatement really you don't gain 50-50 so you don't gain the same items, story progression, souls, anything that the main person gains. You get a few consumable type items as drops along with some souls but no progression other than learning the fights.

2. Multiplayer - This one is more of a possible bug that may be fixed as such this could become something that is incorrect in the future but is very much so correct currently. I have played with multiple friends where I was the host, they were the host and if I was the host my damage was just fine, however their damage was HEAVILY nerfed to where they were essentially useless other than drawing attention of other enemies. If they were the host it was the same thing where I normally would do hundreds of damage in my own game in theirs I was doing 4 - 8 damage per swing of my sword and the most I ever saw was 48 damage with any form of attack that I made. This is unacceptable I understand a nerf if you are over geared/powered for your friend who just started, however nerfing it to that extent makes having a friend with you completely pointless and actually can be a problem in certain situations.

2. Combat - Now as I stated above in the pros combat is overall fair/good but not great or amazing and thus leads me to the combat issues that I personally have and I know some others that have the same issues so its not just me. While in combat playing solo or Co-op dodging attacks can be very hit or miss, timing is meant to be everything however when you spam the dodge button and it doesn't work right away and has never been an issue in any other game you play and its not just happening to you but others that have posted on reddit as well as the forums than that means there is a fundamental problem with said mechanic. Sometimes you will dodge correctly and still manage to take the full damage of the attack you visually correctly dodged meaning the timing is off in the system somewhere. This does not ruin the game but is definitely an overall negative.

There are other minor things that can be annoying but as for me most of those tend to be things I can over look.

My overall rating for this game out of a scale of 10 would be 7/10

- If you are a person that likes souls games, knows they tend to come with a harsh reality in the systems AND you don't mind getting frustrated over certain aspects of a game time to time than this is game is fine for you sale or no sale
- If you like these types of games but have a hard time over looking some of the rougher edges than maybe wait until its on sale or has been out a bit longer for more patches to hopefully smooth out more of those edges.
Posted 21 October, 2023. Last edited 21 October, 2023.
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134.6 hrs on record (61.4 hrs at review time)
Decent game good fights, better with friends than with randoms.
Posted 4 May, 2019.
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310.1 hrs on record (251.1 hrs at review time)
A fantastic fun game definitely suggest :D
Posted 17 February, 2018.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries