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✿ Amaia 12 out. 2020 às 1:55 
👹 -- 👽 -- 😺 -- 🐟 -- 🎁 -- 🥗 -- 🍖 -- 🍇 -- 🚕 -- 🌋 -- 🥒 -- 💎 -- 💗 -- ⛳ -- 🕺
'Twas bullig, and the slithy brokers
Did buy and gamble in the craze "Beware the Jabberstock, my son!
All rosy were the Dow Jones stokers The cost that bites, the worth
By market's wrath unphased. that falls!
Beware the Econ'mist's word, and shun
He took his forecast sword in hand: The spurious Street o' Walls!"
Long time the Boesk'some foe he sought -
Sake's liquidity, so d'vested he, And as in bearish thought he stood
And stood awhile i

👳 -- 🏀 -- 🌏 -- 📀 -- 🚙 -- 🥞 -- 🌂 -- 🚙 -- 🚘 -- 🌽 -- 📗 -- 💄 -- 🎫 -- 💃 -- 🌳
robert_kubica 29 ago. 2016 às 3:31 
Fiut_jak_IPhone(12 mini) 20 jul. 2016 às 10:08 