Hisoka :P
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guap acquirer 16 Jun, 2017 @ 2:26am 
What if one day you woke up and your nipples were completely gone like no scars or anything, just flat skin. Then once you leave your room you find out your dad died last night and then several days later, you find out that for your entire life your dad had been sneaking into your room while you slept and sucking on your chest to make to gigantic hickeys where your nipples should be because you were born without them not for any sexual reason, just so you would fit in. God bless you, dad.
guap acquirer 16 Jun, 2017 @ 2:26am 
It has been 4 hours since I successfully sucked my own penis. Things are different now. As soon as mouth-to-penis contact was made I felt a shockwave through my body. I have reason to believe I have super strength and telekinesis now.. 3 hours after contact I noticed a van parked on my street but no one has entered or exited the car since its arrival. I fear for my safety, I'm not sure what sort of power I may have stumbled upon but it's possible that the government has found out. If I don't update you again please send help.
guap acquirer 9 Jan, 2017 @ 12:21am 
Eating a bag of Cheetos? Not my style. They're made with orange paint and who knows what else. I think they're gross hypercapitalist clown food, and I think I'll have something else instead. Eating well helps me keep my physical frame in good shape, so that I will be able to fight effectively when the time comes.
guap acquirer 9 Jan, 2017 @ 12:19am 
How many eggrols from COSTCO can i eat i befroe I need it. Stomach feels like bad, Need hospital? right now? THEY ARE FRom costco? either poop or help please
CHEERIO 5 Nov, 2016 @ 1:14pm 
pwny is of the african american desent
guap acquirer 13 Sep, 2016 @ 2:16pm 
notice how your internet just cut out then, ♥♥♥♥♥♥? thats what me and my boys call a DDOS. you know what that means, ♥♥♥♥♥? it means I hacked your IP ♥♥♥♥♥♥. a distributed denial of service attack, thousands of packets attacking your home router all at once, kinda like me and your mom last night heres some advice ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, run while you still can, I have an express shipment of AIDS gas coming to your doorstep all because you and your snide little comments online, next time think twice before trying to cross me, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ - A fellow mineman