The Ugandan Knuckles are a strange people. They flitter from place to place, sometimes grouping up and sometimes striking out on their lonesome. They repeatedly ask people ‘Do you know the way?’, but if you ask them what the way is, you will receive many many differing answers. They seek a Queen, but they never stick to one for long. As soon as one leaves, they go to the next, sometimes choosing men or monsters as their queens. They are violent-tongued and easily agitated, but their approach to vicious combat is to simply unleash loogies on their opponents, which seems to merely annoy them more than anything.

They speak in both human tongues and one of their own, a series of clicks that can be construed as almost a battle cry, but can also serve as a greeting. In fact, a taller, more normal Knuckles was able to prove he was one of them by speaking in this language of clicks, and they all accepted him from that moment forward.

Additionally, I’ve noted a few things about their biology. The reds seem to be the most plentiful, but also the weakest, yet the most aggressive. Almost like Chihuahuas. The blues have the words ‘Ugandan Warrior’ etched into their backs, indicating they have some higher combat prowess. Some reds grow larger, or assimilate other reds to form a single, larger hive mind body. The oranges are... mutants. Twisted things. Perhaps a result of inbreeding.

It’s unknown if they are dangerous, but they appear to avoid one specific place; Firelink Shrine. Perhaps they fear the onslaught of Giantdads that pour from that lost fragment of a dead world. Perhaps, a War of the Memes is all but inevitable.
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BARK BARK BARK 16 Jun, 2020 @ 4:47am 