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coolkevin9 6 de out. às 2:50 
+rep for being fun in chase sorry about bad perks lol
Genghis Reginald Khan 6 de out. às 2:50 
blinded this kid one (1) time and got tunneled out for it LOL cant even loop well i ran him for 3 minutes
GrizzBitch 11 de jun. às 5:26 
def tunnels
Schlong John Silvers 9 de mai. às 6:24 
+rep team player ggs
muf 17 de mar. às 6:59 
+rep world's most ADORABLE pig ever, let me boop snout and held my hand through the game :D 10/10 be nice when you verse this guy :3
Nekosuzume 12/dez./2023 às 2:57 
+rep Insane oni curve