Even in my sin, His grace is greater   Denmark
Even if you came in anger borne of your own self-hatred,
I forgive you, and may God bless your soul and guide your heart to healing and improvement.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ
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✝ The Gospel (bad news and good news) ✝
Gospel means good news, but before you can hear the good news you have to hear the bad news first, to understand the bad news, you've got to look at the ten commandments,

the first one we will look at is the 9th commandment, which is you shall not lie, have you ever told a lie once before in you're life? if you have then you are a liar.

3rd commandment, which is you shall not take God's name in vain, have you ever used Gods name as a cuss word? Would you ever use you're mothers name as a cussword? No, you wouldn't because you love you're mother, but you've taken God's holy name in vain, the one who gave you a mother. This means your a blasphemer.

8th commandment, which is you shall not steal, have you ever stolen something even if ti's small? It doesn't matter how long ago it was, if we murder someone in 2008 and it's 2050, we will still be held accountable for it even though it was so long ago, and if human justice systems are this serious, imagine how much more serious the infinite justice of God is.

7th commandment which is you shall not commit adultery, Jesus said in Matthew 7:27-28 You have heard it said you shall not commit adultery, but I say to you that whoever looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. What Jesus was doing here was pointing out that the commandments go deeper than just a shallow action but expose our hearts motives and our desires,

this is known as the spirit of the law, 1 John 3:15 Whoever hates his brother is a murderer. If you have done anything that we just went through, then you, just like the rest of us are a lying, blasphemous, thieving, adulterer at heart, the bible says Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death. In others words, God takes you're sin so seriously that hes given us the death sentence, the bible also states in Ecclesiastes 3:11 that God has set eternity in the heart of man, every one has the universal desire to live, and no one wants to die,

The Good News , you've probably heard about Jesus Christ dying for the sin of the world, however something most people do not understand is this, The Ten Commandments are called the moral law, you and I broke the law as we've clearly seen above in the commandments we went through.

Jesus Christ paid the fine on the cross for us by living a sinless life and then taking the punishment for us on the cross that we deserved in our place, he takes our sin and its punished on the cross, and then we get his righteousness, that's why right before he died he said

"It is finished", in other words we can now have eternal life, if we turn from our sins, and trust that Jesus Christ has paid the debt we owed by dying for us on the cross, he then was raised back to life on the 3rd day conquering death, this is a historical event and it actually happened, 500 people saw him raised back to life, he ate, he talked with disciples and people.

Jewish traditions in the 1st century that had been in place for hundreds of years suddenly being replaced by worship of Jesus Christ, all of his disciples apart from one died painful deaths for the testimony they had of Christ.

Jesus Christ death on the cross was also prophesied about in Isaiah 53 in the old testament which was written almost 700 years before he came to earth. Today is the day of salvation,
repent now and trust Christ before it's too late and you are held accountable for your sins, you never know when you're going to die, nothing can save you from death and hell other than the one who conquered it.

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eghn 11 Feb @ 5:24am 
orospu cocugu
ΛJDXX 9 Feb @ 8:26am 
skinny brainless bot, so bad
WILDBERRIES 5 Feb @ 7:45am 
funny guy. oh not this.... funny gay
Mika Häkkinen 4 Feb @ 6:27am 
You look like a ♥♥♥ got
SkippER1_1 1 Feb @ 7:44am 
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neytro 27 Jan @ 8:58am 
-rep wall hack and gay