Thomas   Scharding, Oberosterreich, Austria
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: faNATIC does not have a reliable connection to matchmaking servers.
VAC was unable to verify the game session for faNATIC.

Highest Rank: The Global Elite

Nuke-LuverZ: http://steamproxy.com/profiles/76561198096946735/

Glo Up Dinero Gang ENT. ist die Army!
Turn up

Wir liven in 1ner world, in der dream und reality hautnah (nohomo) toghetha liegen, in der Facts oft wie Fantasie am been sein tut, die wir uns not explainen können. Können Sie realtalk und fake dudes unterscheiden? Dazu müssen Sie over ihren ghost hinausthinken und sich dem unglaublichen openen. X-Factor, der real ♥♥♥♥.

Butterfly - Blue Steel (ft)
Karambit - Night (ft)
Huntsman - Fade (full fade)
Karambit - Doppler (p1) (case pulled)
Karambit - Marble Fade (yellow/blue - 0,00016 FV)
Karambit - Tiger Tooth
M9 Bajonet - Marble Fade
Karambit - Doppler (fake black pearl)
M9 Bajonet - Marble Fade
Karambit - Doppler (p2)
Karambit - Autotronic (FT)
Bayonet - Marble Fade (Fire and Ice)
Karambit - Doppler (p4)

Then everything cashed out :(

It starts again:

M9 Bajonet - Rust Coat (BS) (case pulled)
Huntsman - Tiger Tooth (FN)

Cashed out again :(

It starts again and again:

Skeleton Knife - Night Stripe (BS) (case pulled)
Jelenleg offline
Counter-Strike 2
1 4
riq 2019. júl. 26., 7:09 
sis hoid aso
faNATIC 2018. febr. 19., 13:19 
-rep kleiner hurensohn
faNATIC 2018. jan. 6., 14:25 
¹²³ ³² ²³¹ ¹ ¹²³² ³²¹ ³² ¹²³²¹ ³²³ ³²³ ¹²³²¹ ¹²
\FabiAn 2017. dec. 22., 13:05 
+rep da doomi is ah guada
faNATIC 2017. aug. 29., 11:22 
Failed to locate official game servers with acceptable ping.
TheBitZ 2017. aug. 25., 12:39 
+rep nice guy and fun 2 play with