Podlaskie, Poland
:lunar2020ratinablanket::lunar2020ratinablanket: kinda fruity :canary::lunar2020ratinablanket:
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Aubrey Graham 25 Dec, 2024 @ 7:13pm 
maciek kup yakuze 0 zanim moi ludzie wejdą do ciebie po schodach
Aubrey Graham 10 Jan, 2023 @ 3:35pm 
As we can see king Bach has presented a rather large spoon to his friend. The humor in this video stems from the fact that king Bach would like to consume ice cream but his friend resorts at him saying, he can only have a spoonful, nothing more. Bach then suddenly changes his expression and body language and reveals he is indeed in possession of a spoon. And not just any spoon, it is a massive stainless steel spoon. This is funny beacuse you would never expect someone to be casually in possession of a massive spoon to eat ice cream with. It is completely unorthodox and uncalled for. This is why the video is so humorous and was put on the 2012 Epic vine compilation
𝙎𝙯𝙞𝙭蛇年吉祥! 26 Oct, 2022 @ 6:55am 
Przepis na bigos
2 kg kapusty
0,5 kg boczku świeżego
0,5 kg karkówki lub łopatki
0,5 kg kiełbasy głogowskiej(śląskiej)
20 dkg kiełbasy jałowcowej
30 dkg pieczarek lub grzybów suszonych
4 sztuki śliwek suszonych(bez pestek)
ziele angielskie,liście laurowe,♥♥♥♥♥♥,sól
2 cebule
1 słoiczek koncentratu pomidorowego
Kapustę zalać wodą, dodać ziele angielskie, liście laurowe. Mięso podsmażyć na tłuszczu, pokroić w kostkę, dodać do kapusty. Kiełbasę pokroić w kostkę podsmażyć razem z cebulką na tłuszczu, dodać do kapusty. Dodać pieczarki pokrojone lub grzybki suszone wcześniej namoczone i obgotowane w wodzie, w której się moczyły, oraz śliwki. Gotować bigos na wolnym ogniu, pod koniec gotowania dodać koncentrat pomidorowy, dobrze wymieszać, doprawić do smaku solą i pieprzem.

Pozdrawiam i życzę smaczniutkiej herbatki
Aubrey Graham 28 Dec, 2021 @ 6:10am 
Muhammed "Doinb" Al-Qahtani is a Saudi professional League of Legends player who currently plays for Saudi pro team Allah warriors based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.He's currently also working as an oil technician at Saudi Aramco and is looking for a Petroleum engineering job at an Oil company.
Kafel 28 Dec, 2021 @ 6:09am 
ARAM, aka "Americans Running Around Mid," is a strategy employed by many LCS teams in order to tilt their opponents. However, its successfulness is questionable, especially since it made TL lose the fastest ever international Bo5.
maki 3 Oct, 2021 @ 10:52am 
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