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投稿日: 2023年10月5日 5時17分

This game has done a complete 180 from it's original launch state. Often times publishers will abandon a game after they receive as much hate that cyberpunk rightfully deserved on day one, from missing features to game breaking bugs and an overall shell of what it was promised to be. However CD PROJEKT RED continued to work on the game for 3 years after it's initial release along with releasing one of the best video game adaptations I have ever seen with the release of Edgerunners, Although I'm disappointed that more expansions won't be available with 2077, I am more than happy with the content that has been added to the game and CyberPunk 2077 has officially become one of the best games I have ever had the enjoyment of playing through. I can only hope that CyberPunk Orion will be able to recreate the immersion I had in night city while also greatly expanding upon the features we currently have in 2077, Good luck because I fully intend to play the next iteration of CyberPunk!
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