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Recent reviews by ZeroLagomorph

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2 people found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
It's a super short game, but I love it nonetheless. The characters are cute, and the environment looks lovely.
It's a simple point and click puzzle game with simple enough puzzles to figure out, no dialogue (instead conversations portrayed with pictures). I'd definitely be on board for a longer version at some point.
Posted 29 November, 2020.
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12.7 hrs on record (7.3 hrs at review time)
I wasn't sure what I was getting into with this game. I'm a very wimpy gamer, and tend to get scared easily in horror games, and this goes for The Crow's Eye as well. The atmosphere was creepy, I think what music and sound effects there were fit well, the puzzles didn't hold your hand but were easy enough to solve by looking around and thinking about it, and with every turn I thought there was bound to some jump scare so much I started to scare myself (I played right into that psychological horror element)
You get to know more about the history and what might be going on in the university through audio logs and letters found throughout from various characters, and to be honest, a story is what can hook me to a game, and I found myself wanting to know more, so pressed on. I'd say if playing through for the first time, don't skip these items since it'll give the game a lot more depth than if you just run your way through.

-Great and creepy atmosphere
-Love the story and characters that are told through the recordings and documents
-The puzzles are intuitive and relatively easy to solve if you just think and explore

-Jumping can be a little wonky and short.
-I don't know if it's just me that had issues with it, but repelling yourself upwards in areas seemed to hover me into a pit rather than the platform above.

Overall, I'd recommend to anyone that likes these psychological horror games. I got it while on sale, and having played it, I do not regret getting it.
Posted 18 May, 2020.
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6 people found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record
It's a short game, but I'd recommend it to anyone that likes things on the more atmospheric side of the 'horror' type games. Now, I'm a complete wimp when it comes to scary games and jumpscares in general, so me saying that this game totally put me on edge doesn't say much, but it had be paranoid from start to end.

That being said, once you've gone through the game once there's not much replay value unless you want to get all the achievements or just generally like the look of the game. The jumpscares are in the same places, so you know what to do and where to go which makes things much less scary. Some aspects of the game can be different through playthroughs, but they are minute and don't really impact the game (for example, if you have to find something it could be in different parts of an area if you die)

The graphics aren't the best considering what's on the market these days, but it didn't bother me at all, and it looks like they used Jurassic Park like models which doesn't really bother me either since I was busy running away from them.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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5 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
1,234.0 hrs on record (1,088.9 hrs at review time)
Since it's been over a year since my last review, I figured it was time for an update for it.

First thing's first. Yes, this is an ea game. If you're getting it, you're looking at a currently unfinished game, but lots more content is planned. I've played over 1000 hours, and am still having fun with the game.

I do find, however, that you'll run a little smoother on multiplayer as opposed to single player, which all in all makes sense. Speaking of that, I'd say skip official servers. Unless you can happen to find one with a fair, good alpha tribe or something, I wouldn't waste my breath. With both long taming times (at least for those higher levels) and the aforementioned alphas, as well as other griefers, You'll likely find it hard to actually get established.

I play with a few friends on an unofficial server, some mods, and modified multipliers. I can certainly play on higher settings than if I was on local/singleplayer. As long as you can find a server with a nice playerbase and owners that'll stand by rules, you'll be fine.

The game itself is in early access phases, and yes that gets tossed around a lot for one reason or another, but the main reason I bring it up is dates for when things come out. ETAs are not set dates, they are estimates, or earliest times for releases. Things happen, it's not a perfect world. This is the main reason I avoid the forums as well. Most of what you'll find there are people complaining about this or that. The game is still being released, and more and more are being planned as the community wishes, pushing back something like official release. Personally, I find the game fun, have done since day one, and it's come a long way from then, and there's still so much to go. Lots of people just complain about it being slow, but then again they complain when something comes out with a few bugs, or doesn't happen at all... people should really be lucky that things come out at all in a timely manner. One example I find was with the Halloween event this year. Yes, some features were not able to be released for reasons, but the event itself actually came out, so be happy about that, at least.

The devs are busy bees, yes, and yes, they should probably work on communicating with at least the steam playerbase more effectively, updating ETAs and such if they are pushed back a little, but really, the complainers aren't helping any -.-; I'm happy to wait, it's coming, and I'll enjoy it when it does come. Patience is a virtue. (I'd seriously not go into the forums for many reasons. I check the patch notes and that's it.)

Now, the DLC... Scorched Earth is a great addition, personally speaking. If you delve into the reviews, or dare you step into the forums, especially dating back to SEs release, Lots of people are *Drum rolls* Complaining! Yes! So. What people don't seem to understand is the DLC was planned from the beginning and worked on alongside with the main game. It was set to release with or close to the games initial release, however, the main game was pushed back because of the amount of content added after the fact, which I surely don't hear people talking negatively talking about. When the date came, they released the completed dlc on time. You don't have to get it if you dont want to. You have the information, if you want to ask a friend to get something if they have it, then you can still use it. Find something claimable? You can claim it. It's not life and death.

The game itself is undergoing regular updates in one way or another, and yes, it goes through plenty of optimization, small or not. This is the stage when things are being added, once that's done it'll likely go through more optimizations, but with so many things being added, if you optimize heavily now, it'll just be more work later, or cause problems here and there, which no one wants.

All in all, I recommend the game, even in its current state. Yes, it's unfinished, but things are coming out regularly, and if you can find a nice server, it can be fun. Set challenges for yourself~ Use your favourites, use certain creatures (I myself am an insect queen, using only insects now for fun), if you're into pvp, find a good pvp server, like roleplay? There are roleplay servers out there, or you can do a bit yourself, making a character and backgrounds (as I said, kind of an eccentric insect queen here, and each of my insects have their own little story xP ). Take the game as is, and just be patient. Have fun with it.
Posted 1 July, 2015. Last edited 26 November, 2016.
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