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发布于:2015 年 6 月 4 日 上午 6:56

So sick of playing on Australian servers and geting stuck with people that cant speak english... so anoying. Needs to be fixed or im going back to League of Legends
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2 条留言
Banker♥💙 2024 年 8 月 7 日 上午 10:14 
Maybe people would speak back to you if you weren't so emotionally broken and so attached to a childs game that you completely suck at HAHA. Go back to LoL I don't think anybody cares mate no wonder you're trash. a LoL player at it's roots, disgusting.
Banker♥💙 2024 年 8 月 7 日 上午 10:12 
Says this at 258 hours and has 5.6k hours on dota, still cant outfarm or out tower damage an SS, all you do is crycrycry mate your voice is half the reason you're so depressed and can't get any women. :/ feel sorry for you mate all you did was dribble lmao. " Dw i can push im a big sniper ". Garbage, period.