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Скорошни рецензии на doggo

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55.4 изиграни часа (49.2 часа по време на рецензията)
Sony bad, a large portion of the marketing was the fact that they weren't greedy and now a greedy parent company has changed that. L company, L game
Публикувана 5 май 2024.
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19.5 изиграни часа
Not much to say which hasn't already been said, but here is my objectively correct review anyway:

The game is amazing. Plain and simple. It accomplishes all it sets out to do with flying colors through an amazing narrative and (in my opinion) visual style.

The narrative has to be the strongest portion of this game by far. While admittedly convoluted at first it is just amazing. I will say the world which takes place in has to be one of the most unique that I feel I have seen in a while, and I find it to be really interesting especially when delving more into the lore of the game and the world it takes place in. I won't try to spoil anything except for the fact that it has stuck in my head for months so I would highly recommend you experience it for yourself.

Visuals wise, I think they do a great job at conveying the story and fleshing out the world. Admittedly, the visuals during the gameplay portions of the game are not technically amazing when compared to more triple AAA type of titles, but it does help convey the feeling of the world really well and I do enjoy the style quite a bit. The visuals are in a similar style to that of a short hike or any slightly to full pixelated game which gives it a very unique charm that can’t be emulated otherwise. The cutscenes go pretty hard though, the ability to convey emotion is so amazingly well conveyed it is scary and they are really what get you more engrossed in figuring out what is happening. Game visuals wise I think they may deserve more credit than I give it considering it is probably what made this game possible, but I digress. Ultimately, the visuals do their job excellently even if they aren't amazingly high fidelity.

Lastly, gameplay is nothing special, but to me is ultimately not the focal point of the game more as a means to an end. With the QOL patches the gameplay is not difficult at all and is decently enjoyable even if a bit stressful; this is a horror game after all, even with its fixation on its narrative. The gameplay consists of picking up items and ammo while making your way through various different enemies and solving puzzles. No portion of the gameplay was particularly hard for me including the puzzles so it is everyone friendly.

In short, get the game. Amazing stuff.
Публикувана 28 февруари 2024.
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