Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring light Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith Where there is shame, I shall point atonement Where there is rage, I shall show its course My word in the soul shall be as my bolter in the field.

What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will. What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die. What is Death? It is our duty. What is your Duty?

"Smite now the scions of the Witch! Grant us the strength to pierce their unclean flesh! To cover their fields with the pale form of the blasphemous dead! To drown the thunder of guns with the shriek of their dying! To lay waste to their citadels with hurricanes of fire! To wring the hearts of their kin with unavailing grief! To send them into the waste of their desolate land in rags and hunger, broken in spirit, worn with travail and begging for the refuge of the grave. We ask it, in the spirit of wrath, O Master of Mankind!"

We may be few, and our enemies many. Yet so long as there remains one of us still fighting, one who still rages in the name of justice and truth, then by the Allfather, the galaxy shall yet know hope.

Bravery is stronger than Adamantium. One is the stuff of the soul-forges, the other an illusion of safety created by fools. Adamantium walls cannot keep us out! We have the courage of the Emperor! And in the Emperor's name... ATTACK!! ATTACK!! NO PRISONERS!!

To the darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation on those who refuse them.

Let a wave of repugnance for the enemy wash over you. Let hatred fill you. Hate is good, for our goal is a Human galaxy. We are called by the Emperor with a sacred duty to conquer it in His name.

The Emperor extends His will to us when we destroy the wicked and impure to reconquer the galaxy in His name. The Emperor leads the galaxy to righteousness, and thus we must petition for His judgement on the wicked... for it is judgement without mercy.

As our bodies are armoured with Adamantium, our souls are protected with our loyalty. As our bolters are charged with death for the Emperor's enemies, our thoughts are charged with his wisdom. As our ranks advance, so does our devotion, for are we not Marines? Are we not the chosen of the Emperor, his loyal servants unto death?

By thy colour will he know thee, By thy banners will he fear thee, By thy standard will he dread thee, Cry Marine, and let slip the weapons of war.

The enemies of the Emperor fear many things. They fear discovery, defeat, despair and death. Yet there is one thing they fear above all others. They fear the wrath of the Space Marines!

I am the Hammer I am the sword in His hand I am the Gauntlet about His fist I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous I am the End.
We are the Ultramarines, the sons of Guilliman. Whilst we draw breath, we stand. Whilst we stand, we fight. Whilst we fight, we prevail. Nothing shall stay our wrath.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.

What is your duty?
To serve the Emperor will.
What is the Emperor will?
That we fight and die.
What is death?
It is our duty.


“A journey will have pain and failure. It is not only the steps forward that we must accept. It is the stumbles. The trials. The knowledge that we will fail. That we will hurt those around us.
But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fail, the journey ends. That failure becomes our destination.”
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