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Diposting: 21 Mei 2023 @ 7:34pm

Since starting this game around 2015 it's hard to convey what kind of an issue grinding already was. It was an issue that was manageable but at the same time premium could help you speed things up. For many players they play a free to play game for a reason, and these Russian developers (albeit understanding that it's a company that does need to make revenue) continues to push the boundaries as if the community won't push back.

I think that Gaijin realized that with the introduction of more premium top tier tanks and aircraft that they could really make a profit by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ over every other player to hint to them that they should pay $50 for one vehicle in order to grind through all the ranks. Ok, fair enough but why charge so much for one vehicle? Why give only a few days of premium after spending the amount of money that could be spent on another AAA game that doesn't have spaghetti code and CLEAR bias depending on the nation and the battle rating. War Thunder has so many issues going on at the moment that aren't related to the economy that it's honestly more insulting that they wouldn't fix their game before shilling for more profit. You know what would make people pay for premium? A clear benefit that doesn't induce suffering anyways, most of these players are level 10 and buy a 11.0 tank and never get to experience the game for what its for. From battle rating 6.7 to 11.7 it is a complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, unbalanced nations, unbalanced vehicles and a plethora of other issues with volumetric registration as well.

Gaijin used to do some really cool things with helping players out but now it's more of a cashcow for Gaijin than anything. What's wrong with un-foldering vehicles? Because the difference between the two vehicles is negligible and costs more time, SL and RP to research something that does what? Gives you an extra vehicle in your lineup but doesn't create any variation apart from some tracks on your armor?

Let's talk about ATGM's around 6.0, why is that a thing? Why is the IS-3, T-34, M-26, Jumbo, Centurion and some other select few heavy tanks absolutely obsolete because a Marder with an ATGM or a BMP with an ATGM can sit behind a defalade with a wire guided missile and pick off heavy tanks that can't do a thing about it? Oh not to mention they're also really efficient at shooting down aircraft, ruining CAS at those battle ratings as well. Ground "realistic" isn't that anymore, it was Gaijins plan all along to inflate and clutter the Tiers in order to incentivize more players to buy into premiums or skip a tier with GE.
Don't play waste your time playing this game, as someone who drops 5-12 kills per game and actually has fun sometimes, don't waste your time grinding anything other than Russia or Germany. It's clear that the Russian Developers that live in Belgium have a preferred way of coding. Maybe if these corrupt morons could actually listen to their playerbase they wouldn't get the backlash. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Gaijin.
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