Percocet Papi
Nada informado.
Blaid45 19/jun./2020 às 15:15 
add me for a quick talk, i have an offer, i couldnt add you for some reason...
moose 1/mai./2020 às 21:24 
this guy loves tgirls
A Slightly Stale Dorito 5/abr./2020 às 14:59 
Imagine being called out for being deaf then raging like an angry child.
The One' 8/ago./2019 às 21:15 
Good at putting others down, shame being an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ doesn't serve a purpose in life.
Composted 28/set./2018 às 6:25 
I can give my Patriotic AK-47 for all of your Crate H1Z1 and cases csgo (Im collecting them) so if it's ok for you send me trade offer please. Link in my bio
90 29/jan./2018 às 11:15 
ororspu çoçugu hile senin sülaleni sikeyim avradını siktigimin piçi senin amına koyayım yokas-sa bile ben yenisini açrım pezevenk müptezek orospu evlatı ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ aim and wall hack