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3.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,379.6 hrs on record (769.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 21 May, 2023 @ 11:36pm

From being a Freemium game to the nation bias and volumetric's, this game has gone downhill quick, had a rush of popularity due to tik tok, and then they decided to murder the economy instead of doing anything to fix the game or make it slightly more fun. ALL GAIJIN DOES IS RELEASE THESE OVERRATED UPDATES THAT TURN OUT LIKE BAD, OR EVENTS THAT PEOPLE OVERWHELMINGLY DISLIKE. The snail wants our money, and it is not worth it. In order to make any progress whatsoever lategame, you need to buy premium or else matches where you have one nation on your team (AMERICA) you lose, which is about 90% of the matches you get into, and you don't just lose the match, you get terrible research and you lose silver lions which makes it a terrible trail of, "I lost so much money playing high tier that I have to switch nations now." or "Time to get premium" which both are complete wastes of time for this underdeveloped game
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