:Tiberium:The geneva convention rules are more like guidelines than actual rules :Tiberium:
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1,732 Hours played
There are 2 servers a PVE and a PVP server.
I played most on the pve server. PVE server is a community that specialises in trading and hunting npc ships.
Over the game and leveling.
Its a long grind to sail big ships and it will take time and effort. This is not a game like black flag. there is not a single player. its mostly interaction with other players and other nations.
You start with a small ship and you need to work to lvl up and gather resources.

You can team up with players in your nation or you can start a clan with your friends.
If you are a first starter you can try to join up with a big clan. If you play this alone it will be quite difficult. and tiresome.

The Crafting part of the game is quite long and difficult.
First you need to gather doubloons and reals to establish a shipyard lvl 1. (1 million reals and 10.000 doubloons ) after that you can craft low lvl ships from 7 - 6st rate ships. Shipyard lvl 2. cost 25.000 doubloons and 2 million reals if i remember correctly. Then you can craft 5-4st rate ships. Shipyard lvl 3. is 3 million and 50.000 doubloons. then you can craft all rates.
For the most ships you need to get a permit before you can craft them.

If there are any further questions leave a notifcitation and i will try to answer it further.
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Animal_Mother 8 Mar, 2020 @ 2:12am 
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