Borz 20 jan @ 11:52 
you know im half italian :gymBOSS:
Borz 19 sep, 2024 @ 5:01 
Multiple VAC bans on record | Info
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3733 day(s) since last ban
Borz 8 sep, 2024 @ 0:45 
én vagyok.... istván
@Conficker 15 jun, 2024 @ 6:45 
-Edző mondjál valamit.
-Töröld le a játékot.
@Conficker 1 apr, 2024 @ 16:49 
If you risk nothing, you risk everything.
Borz 28 feb, 2024 @ 4:09 
yes i wanna eat the dog
Borz 28 feb, 2024 @ 4:09 
uu yeeh
Davy Jones 27 feb, 2024 @ 8:57 
he hey he hey
@Conficker 13 maj, 2023 @ 11:18 
Confickert a 21. század legsikeresebb garfield kart játékosai között emlegetik.
Borz 10 maj, 2023 @ 13:02 
Yes, i wanna eat the dog. Anyways jim how you doin?
@Conficker 24 mar, 2023 @ 12:09 
Be aware. Cats are hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings. Cats are connected to and can enter alternate dimensions. Cats actually warp space-time, as inter-dimensional beings, and bend reality to their wills. Just like machine elves are, probably 4D or astral. You find a lot of high and low astral kind of entities out there.
Davy Jones 17 sep, 2022 @ 12:13 
@Conficker 17 sep, 2022 @ 9:03 
The only good thing in this cruel world.
Borz 17 sep, 2022 @ 5:46 
garfield kart is a reason to get out of bed in the morning
Davy Jones 16 sep, 2022 @ 15:20 
Multiple VAC bans on record | Info
1 game ban on record | Info
3000 day(s) since last ban
@Conficker 12 apr, 2022 @ 17:02 
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel my heart?
@Conficker 2 apr, 2022 @ 16:18 
Borz 2 apr, 2022 @ 7:58 
Borz 9 mar, 2022 @ 3:58 
@Conficker 10 feb, 2022 @ 13:26 
auto shoti is mine
Borz 10 feb, 2022 @ 4:31 
Whispering oak! ♥♥♥♥♥ i used to go there when i was a kid.
Great now we can die there as adults.
Borz 8 feb, 2022 @ 2:30 
Leffór deddó :health:
@Conficker 1 jan, 2022 @ 16:02 
i woke up i found her that's all I know
Borz 16 dec, 2021 @ 23:24 
Áá ők megszereztek
@Conficker 16 dec, 2021 @ 14:11 
Úgy tűnik volt egy változtatás a terven.
Davy Jones 15 dec, 2021 @ 11:31 
az a hosszúnyak kurva megütött
@Conficker 4 dec, 2021 @ 15:13 
For what?
Borz 3 dec, 2021 @ 1:09 
Fifa 29 will be released soon, get ready
Davy Jones 17 nov, 2021 @ 11:29 
Borz 9 nov, 2021 @ 1:55 
What an f... Ing n:imSorry::sorryForWhat:er
@Conficker 8 nov, 2021 @ 11:12 
Reality is a self aware, self conscious construct, aka it is intelligent. In order to show this, one will have to have a definition of what intelligence is. Deep learning is a field of Machine learning that uses many layered neural networks (mathematical objects that approximate the neural networks of the brain, which are mathematical themselves).

Neurons are mathematical objects that take in inputs (data or information)(see under the input heading in the picture) and combine them with weights (Biases or the bias of the neuron) and outputs a function that is a combination of those inputs and biases with respect to a learning rate. The human brain contains approximately 100 billion of these neurons running in parallel in order to compute an output classification, based on the input it receives and its guess on the relevance of that input (its bias or beliefs).
@Conficker 8 nov, 2021 @ 11:12 
From this explanation we can understand intelligence to be an information processing and information generating system. As it takes in information (that is information in the sense of certain possibilities selected, to the exclusion of other possibilities that could be selected) applies a mathematical procedure to it, and transforms it into an output state, generating information.
If the brain is processing information, then all of its sub components must be as well (although at different levels of complexity).

So it follows therefore if this type of generalized information processing capability can be show to exist at the foundational blocks of reality (component particles) then reality can be show to be everywhere, at all times, processing and generating information.
@Conficker 8 nov, 2021 @ 11:12 
When an electron is struck by electromagnetic radiation (informational input) the electron jumps up or down into a lower or higher energy orbit depending on the wavelength (the type of input) of the radiation it receives. It then outputs (information generation or state transformation) a photon with a wavelength depending on the energy level wavelength of the photon that was inputted into it and therefore the maximal or minimal possible energy it can output (bias).
In this case the bias would be the energy threshold of the atomic system, if it exceeds a certain lower or higher end bound then we will have radioactive decay. This is an example of an invariant limit to what can be actualized in reality, with some hefty room for variance in between.
@Conficker 8 nov, 2021 @ 11:12 
The bias in the human brain's neural operators can obviously also be variant (like true or false beliefs) but not past the bounds that are set by matters invariant limits. This is a form of constraint which allows freedom to exist, constraint is necessary for freedom, because to constrain something is to define it, and to define it is to give it rules (the laws of physics). If it were undefined we wouldn't exist, and reality would collapse back into the primordial realm of UBT.
If an atom wasn’t doing anything like information processing, then brains cannot be doing information processing. The parts make up the whole.
@Conficker 8 nov, 2021 @ 11:12 
This shows that what atoms are doing is ultimately information processing as well, assigning them a real, yet very base form of intelligence and self awareness. Because the radiation that is being received by the electron of one atom is not coming from another electron on an atom that exists outside of reality, (since reality contains all that is real) this makes reality everywhere, at all times, perceiving itself in an act of contemplation or self modeling (which is what minds do).
Since information has to exist in order to be processed, information must be processing itself, at different variant (Human)and invariant levels (Physics).
This makes reality a stratified intelligent information processing continuum, with the ability to perceive itself distributed everywhere at different levels of capability. To be is to be perceived, to be is to be in communion (communication) with self, being as communion.
Borz 4 nov, 2021 @ 23:44 
Impressive, very based.
@Conficker 4 nov, 2021 @ 17:02 
My test result for being based just came out. I tested positive.
Borz 3 nov, 2021 @ 7:18 
Average Mbappe enjoyer
@Conficker 21 okt, 2021 @ 17:18 
The universe contracts (in) as much as it expands (out), meaning the universe is like a car simulator where it is the road that moves. That is, the universe is a clever illusion and, behind it all, all are connected thus the in-phase’s finish point is the out-phase’s start point. Imagine it, all particles, atoms, etc., connect to a core, which essentially means the universe is talking to itself, communicating (all is a language/Logos); in other words, reality is a big brain. It from bit.

Look at it this way, say that the first building block is a Russian doll. All that ever evolves or unfolds from that point, is another “smaller” Russian doll(s). If the doll was not that of a mind or proto-mind, then minds could never have evolved because the first Russian doll only ever produces more of itself. Thus, you can deduce that, since we have minds, then the universe must be a mind. You see?
@Conficker 21 okt, 2021 @ 17:18 
Relativity means, if you are big, then someone else must be small. If that applies to space-time, then you need another space-time to create a template for comparison, and then you need another template in order to compare it, and another template and so on ad infinitum. This means that space-time is absolute (not relative). If you are absolute, then you are by definition alone. If you are alone, then you have no one to compare yourself with, which means there is no way of knowing if you are big, small, or what; which means you have no boundary. Space-time is everywhere and nowhere, which is the expansion/contraction phenomenon. The relative = the things that arise in space-time, like particles and such. Thus, the absolute and the relative live side by side.
@Conficker 21 okt, 2021 @ 17:17 
The beauty of the “contracts as much as it expands,” is that it explains what lies beyond the borders of space-time or behind the great “wall” in space. Some say the universe goes on forever or some say that you will see the back of your head. Both are absurd! Absurdity is the Main Course if you believe the universe to be real. Just stand in front of a mirror and muse: Is the mirror world the wrong world? The only real explanation is that 3D/the universe is some kind of illusion, which means that the great wall is an illusion also.

The cool thing: There might be an afterlife because your human brain is not your real brain if reality itself is a brain. Your real consciousness might be connected to the greater picture, so to speak. Which means: behave. You do not want to screw with the jungle if it is alive. The ones who take Ayahuasca say something similar.
Borz 12 sep, 2021 @ 6:55 
neither can they melt it
@Conficker 12 sep, 2021 @ 4:48 
Jet wings can't cut steel beams. :jcdenton:
Borz 27 aug, 2021 @ 9:49 
Multiple VAC bans on record | Info
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2614 day(s) since last ban
Borz 11 aug, 2021 @ 23:46 
@Conficker 4 aug, 2021 @ 17:38 
In 1945 corporations paid 50 percent of federal taxes. Now they pay about 5 percent.
In 1900 90 percent of Americans were self-employed now it's about two percent.

The entire executive branch is hand-picked. Nineteen of the last twenty three US presidents have been members of the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission is financed by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.

Do you ever ask what it's for? The surveillance, the police, the shoot-on-sight laws? Is that freedom?

The plotting and scheming of corporations to make Europe into one big country with no separate languages, cultures, or tastes.

It's more than Europe they want to unify.
ConfikeR 4 feb, 2021 @ 10:29 
How did that happen?
Borz 3 feb, 2021 @ 7:09 
Multiple VAC bans on record | Info
1 game ban on record | Info
2409 day(s) since last ban
@Conficker 22 jan, 2019 @ 11:53 
1667 day(s) since last ban
Cornflaker 9 aug, 2018 @ 12:03 
1501 day(s) since last ban