Nils / Im Krankenhaus
        •● W E L C O M E - T O - M Y - P R O F I L E ●•

Name: Realife ( Nils ) Ingame ( ƉȜϟŦƦѺƴȜƦ )
Gender: Male
Mood: Happy
Age: 15
Nationality: German
Language: English & German
Favorite Games: Horror, Shooters.
Hobbies: Video Games,Animes
Steam Years: 2
Feel free to add me, I accept all invites, except...
-Scammers, Morons, Phishers
-Don't beg me to give you free stuff
-Don't randomly invite me to a game, just simply ask me
-No Private Profiles

Other than that, just send me a message and I will always reply and be happy to talk to you all

CSGO MatchMaking History:
[✔] Silver 1
[✔] Silver 2
[✔] Silver 3
[✔] Silver 4
[✔] Silver Elite
[✔] Silver Elite Master
[✔] Gold Nova 1
[✔] Gold Nova 2
[✔] Gold Nova 3
[X] Gold Nova Master
[X] Master Guardian 1
[X] Master Guardian 2
[X] Master Guardian Elite
[X] Legendary Eagle
[X] Legendary Eagle Master
[X] Supreme Master First Class
[X] The Global Elite
Currently Offline
Multiple VAC bans on record | Info
1 game ban on record | Info
2775 day(s) since last ban