Horris Borris
Dzavhan, Mongolia
Ай хүчирхэг гал минь миний дайснуудыг шатаадаг: Филебрт
dirty ratfink bastard 2019年2月16日 18時53分 
where are you hiding the thai mail-order brides you kidnapped?
Baizuo 2018年12月2日 21時05分 
Years from now, deep into the pits of Hell, you will be bleeding from a puncture wound into your very own lung and I'll be there, watching. Gasping for air, whilist holding your scorched, barely functionable arm over your wound; you'll mutter to me in a raspy, yet soft voice, "Dearest brother, you have fought well beside me in the dragon war, and I wish to give you my truest, most wholehearted thanks brother..." You tremble, but manage to regain focus "I wish for you brother, to join me in my final moments, and help me sing the song of our people." A single tear sheds across my face "Anything you wish brother." I sit beside you and we begin:
Baizuo 2018年12月2日 21時05分 
"Pinperu Bells, Pinperu Bells! Pupaupa-Papu!Pupo pipupupi pipapipupapapapu Pinperu Bells, Pinperu Bells!Pupaupa-Papu! Popipi-po papipipipipapapa Papipepipopio pepepapapopi
Pupipopapapo papupupapapu Papapipopopepo papapipupepa
Papapopipupapapipo papapipaupa Pinperu Bells, Pinperu Bells! Pupaupa-Papu!
Pupo pipupupi pipapipupapapapu Pinperu Bells, Pinperu Bells! Pupaupa-Papu!
Popipi-po papipipipi Pi Po Pa!" "Thank... you... broth-..." Your eyes glaze over as you let out your last breath. This is the ending of your legacy.