Monke 1 Dec, 2024 @ 6:22am 
På 1940-talet, under andra världskriget, blev min morfar kallad att försvara Sveriges gränser. Han lämnade sin unga fru kvar i deras hem i Norrland och gav sig av för att ansluta sig till en enhet vid östkusten, där rädslan för invasion var stor. Strax därefter fick han veta att hans fru var gravid. I ett av sina brev bad han henne att döpa barnet till “Ljus” om det blev en flicka, eller “Viktor” om det blev en pojke. Några månader senare föddes deras son Viktor. Men kriget höll min morfar borta, och inga fler brev kom från honom på länge. Jag har sökt i militära arkiv och familjens dokument för att förstå hans upplevelser, men många detaljer förblir oklara. Bara Gud vet vad han genomled under de kalla, spända åren. Även om Sverige aldrig invaderades, måste påfrestningen av ständig beredskap ha varit enorm för någon så ung.
Monke 14 Nov, 2024 @ 4:37am 
🚨 Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, is calling YOU to accept Islam and worship Allah… Will you ignore his call? 🚨
👉 Say it with your heart: ‘Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadur rasulullah, wa ashhadu anna Isa rasulullah’ — There is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and Jesus is the Messenger of Allah.

🌟 Join the path of truth, guidance, and eternal peace! 🌟
💫 This is your moment. This is your sign. Don’t let this invitation pass you by! Accept Islam, embrace peace, and find the purpose you were meant for. 💫

✋ Answer now! ✋ Jesus is calling you – will you answer?
Monke 15 Jul, 2024 @ 1:07pm 

Turkish Nation!

I sincerely hope that you will celebrate this great national holiday with greater honor, happiness, peace and prosperity in every decade that flows into eternity.

How happy is the one who says I am a Turk!

- Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Emir 7 Jul, 2024 @ 7:27am 
Emir 7 Jul, 2024 @ 7:27am 
Monke 14 Jun, 2024 @ 9:28am 
Monke 14 Jun, 2024 @ 9:28am 
Arif 2 May, 2024 @ 2:51pm 
-Rep After a good lire in cs:go, I added him because he seemed like a cool dude. We started chatting with each other and after a couple of months we became really good friends. Many nice conversations, lots of good CS matches and above all we developed a close friendship.
I invited him to a csgo lan at my house. He agreed and I looked forward to his arrival. When he appeared, he pushed me up against the wall and started nibbling on my ear, I felt his hard ♥♥♥♥ against my thigh. I slapped him and one-dropped him. It turned out he was gay. Scam dude, don't trust him
Emir 24 Apr, 2024 @ 7:15am 
-Rep Efter ett bra lir i cs:go, addade jag honom eftersom han verkade vara en cool snubbe. Vi började chatta med varandra och efter ett par månader blev vi riktigt goda vänner. Många trevliga samtal, massor av bra CS matcher och framför allt utvecklade vi en nära vänskap.
Jag bjöd in honom till ett csgo-lan hemma hos mig. Han tackade ja och jag såg fram emot att han skulle komma. När han dök upp, tryckte han upp mig mot väggen och började nafsa mig i örat, jag kände hans styva kuk mot mitt lår. Jag slog honom på käften och one-tappade honom. Det visade sig att han var bög. Skum snubbe, lita inte på honom
Monke 23 Apr, 2024 @ 10:13pm 
Turkish Nation!

I sincerely hope that you will celebrate this great national holiday with greater honor, happiness, peace and prosperity in every decade that flows into eternity.

How happy is the one who says I am a Turk!

- Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Monke 23 Apr, 2024 @ 10:12pm 
Noop Dog 23 Feb, 2024 @ 8:56am 
This user is suspected to be a part of an online terrorist organization.
Arif 22 Feb, 2024 @ 10:49am 
Turkish Nation!

I sincerely hope that you will celebrate this great national holiday with greater honor, happiness, peace and prosperity in every decade that flows into eternity.

How happy is the one who says I am a Turk!

- Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 1933
Arif 22 Feb, 2024 @ 10:49am 
I have no doubt that, with the further development of the forgotten great civilizational qualities and great civilizational abilities of the Turks, they will rise like a new sun on the high civilization horizon of the past.
Arif 22 Feb, 2024 @ 10:49am 
Today, I say with the same faith and certainty that, in a short time, the entire civilized world will understand once again that the Turkish nation, which is progressing towards the national ideal with full integrity, is a great nation.
Arif 22 Feb, 2024 @ 10:49am 
Great Turkish Nation, you have heard many of my words promising success in the work we have been carrying out for fifteen years. I am very lucky that I have not been exposed to any mistakes in any of these words that would shake my nation's trust in me.
Arif 22 Feb, 2024 @ 10:49am 
This ideal, which suits the Turkish nation very well, will make it successful in fulfilling its civilized duty to ensure true peace for all humanity.
Arif 22 Feb, 2024 @ 10:48am 
Because the torch that the Turkish nation holds in their hands and minds on the path of progress and civilization is positive science. I should also point out that one of the historical characteristics of the Turkish nation, which is a highly humane society, is to love fine arts and excel in them. For this reason, it is our national ideal to constantly cultivate and develop our nation's high character, tireless diligence, natural intelligence, devotion to science, love for fine arts, and sense of national unity with all kinds of tools and measures.
Arif 22 Feb, 2024 @ 10:48am 
For this reason, we think that the measure of time should be evaluated not according to the comforting mentality of the past centuries, but according to the understanding of speed and movement of our century. We will try more than last time. We will accomplish greater things in less time. I have no doubt that we will be successful in this too. Because the character of the Turkish nation is high. Turkish nation is hardworking. Turkish nation is smart. Because the Turkish nation has been able to overcome difficulties with national unity and solidarity.
Arif 22 Feb, 2024 @ 10:48am 
But we can never see what we do as enough. Because we are obliged and determined to do more and greater things. We will raise our country to the level of the most prosperous and most civilized countries in the world. We will provide our nation with the broadest tools and resources of prosperity. We will raise our national culture above the level of contemporary civilization.
Arif 22 Feb, 2024 @ 10:48am 
Turkish Nation!
We are in the 15th year since we started the War of Independence. Today is the day to celebrate the tenth anniversary of our Republic.
Happy birthday!
Right now, as a member of the great Turkish nation, I am in the deepest joy and excitement of meeting this blessed day.
My fellow citizens!
We've done a lot of great things in such a short time. The greatest of these works is the Republic of Turkey, whose foundation is Turkish heroism and high Turkish culture.
We owe this success to the brave march of the Turkish nation and its valuable army as a whole.
Monke 26 Dec, 2023 @ 11:51am 
Den här snubben är verkligen en jävla idiot. Bara varnar alla, alla föräldrar, håll era barn borta från den här snubben. Han är en äcklig jävel som använder grovt och grafiskt språk för att svära åt sina medspelare och ställa till bråk i hela spelet. Jag skulle ge den här spelaren 1 stjärna, eller om systemet tillåter det, mindre än 1 stjärna, kanske 1/2 stjärna eller till och med 0. Jag skulle aldrig spela med honom igen. Fan, han är bara en belastning, vet du? Sånt skräp förtjänar inte ens en stjärna. Jag lovar, om du ser den här snubben ute på gatan, gå åt andra hållet. Ingen vill ha med honom att göra. Tack för att du lyssnade, vän. Peace.
Arif 4 Dec, 2023 @ 10:00pm 
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Arif 4 Dec, 2023 @ 10:00pm 
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Arif 4 Dec, 2023 @ 10:00pm 
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Emir 3 Oct, 2023 @ 9:43pm 
    └📁Program Files (x86)
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Emir 26 Aug, 2023 @ 9:11am 
Emir 26 Aug, 2023 @ 9:11am 
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Arif 9 Aug, 2023 @ 2:32pm 
Hamnade med denna grabben I matchmaking och vi hade riktigt härligt lir. Vi klickade bra och började gibba omgående. Efter 2 veckor av ständigt lir bestämde vi oss för att träffas irl. Vi möttes hemma hos honom och lirade hela natten lång tills jag somnade dagen därpå. Senare vaknar jag av en väldig smärta i rövhålet, och kan knappt sätta mig upp. När jag sedan kollar runt så ser jag han, ståendes där och äter kebab. När han ser mig stelnar han till. Jag skymtar något brunt på hans kebab, ser riktigt vidrigt ut. Snubben står där med kebab i handen och säger inte ett ord. Han bara kollar på mig. Jag vänder mig om men innan jag hinner någonstans pressar han upp hela rullen med kebab i röven på mig. Det svider som ♥♥♥♥♥ och innan jag hinner reagera har han slukat rullen med ♥♥♥♥ och allt. Skön kille!
Arif 30 Jul, 2023 @ 11:01am 
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Emir 19 Apr, 2023 @ 12:22pm 
Emir 30 Mar, 2023 @ 3:55pm 
Kent Agent was a brave and loyal Byracka, a breed of hunting dog native to Sweden. He had been raised in a rural part of Sweden, where he had been trained to track and hunt game.

One day, while out on a hunting expedition with his owner, Kent Agent came across a lost and injured fox kit. His owner took the kit in and nursed it back to health, and Kent Agent became very attached to the little creature.

From that day on, Kent Agent and the fox kit were inseparable. Kent Agent took it upon himself to protect and care for the fox, even though it wasn't his typical prey. The fox, in turn, would follow Kent Agent everywhere he went.

However, one day while out on a walk, the fox suddenly turned on Kent Agent and attacked him. Kent Agent, shocked and taken aback, did his best to defend himself but was ultimately overpowered by the fox.

Despite the attack, Kent Agent refused to give up on his friendship with the fox.
Monke 30 Mar, 2023 @ 3:21pm 
Sometimes I feel like a grammar expert because of you. You always know how to punctuate my day.
Emir 15 Mar, 2023 @ 5:00am 
Arif 15 Mar, 2023 @ 2:41am 
Monke 14 Mar, 2023 @ 6:29pm 
Ah, Kent! I see he's proudly sporting the Swedish flag, but I have to wonder if he's ever actually left his hometown. I mean, he seems to have an encyclopedic knowledge of Swedish meatballs and IKEA furniture, but beyond that, his world seems to be a bit... limited.

I mean, sure, he talks a big game about exploring the world and experiencing new cultures, but when it comes down to it, he's never ventured beyond the cozy confines of his own little corner of Sweden. I heard he once tried to venture beyond his borders, but he got lost and ended up wandering around a forest for hours, muttering to himself about how he missed his local pub.
Monke 14 Mar, 2023 @ 6:29pm 
It's not that he's not proud of his heritage--he's practically bursting with Swedish pride! But sometimes I wonder if he's ever considered that there might be more to life than meatballs and ABBA. Maybe he's afraid of what he might find if he leaves his comfort zone--like, I don't know, pizza that isn't topped with pickled herring or people who don't use the word "fika" as a verb.

Anyway, I'm sure Kent is perfectly happy in his little Swedish bubble. Maybe one day he'll muster up the courage to leave his hometown and explore the big, wide world beyond... but until then, I guess we'll just have to enjoy his endless stream of Swedish memes and pictures of snow-covered landscapes. Skål!
Appelgi 25 Feb, 2023 @ 3:43pm 
sometimes I feel gay because of you
Arif 22 Feb, 2023 @ 2:25pm 
Fyfan vad jeg er arg. Detta spel såg ut å va ett härligt och fint spel med många möjligheter. Men när jag kom in i spelet så var jag tvungen att MÖRDA andra. Fyfan jag tänkte att detta var bara början men de vissa sig att allt var att MÖRDA andra. usch vad FÖRBANNAD jeg er nu.
Emir 6 Feb, 2023 @ 3:16am 
Fyfan vad jeg er arg. Detta spel såg ut å va ett härligt och fint spel med många möjligheter. Men när jag kom in i spelet så var jag tvungen att MÖRDA andra. Fyfan jag tänkte att detta var bara början men de vissa sig att allt var att MÖRDA andra. usch vad FÖRBANNAD jeg er nu.
Emir 9 Jan, 2023 @ 9:00am 
This user is suspected to be a part of an online terrorist organization.
Arif 9 Dec, 2022 @ 1:59am 
I appreciate everything you do.
Emir 10 Nov, 2022 @ 2:06pm 
great player. Definitely didn't kidnap my girlfriend and force me to comment here
Arif 31 Oct, 2022 @ 4:04pm 
Arif 31 Oct, 2022 @ 4:04pm 
Arif 31 Oct, 2022 @ 4:04pm 
Monke 17 Oct, 2022 @ 4:03pm 
Monke 17 Oct, 2022 @ 4:03pm 
Monke 17 Oct, 2022 @ 4:03pm 
Monke 17 Oct, 2022 @ 3:34pm 
殪幢緻Iii爰曷樔黎㌢´  `ⅷ
艇艀裲f睚鳫巓襴骸    贒憊
殪幢緻I翰儂樔黎夢'”    ,ィ傾
盥皋袍i耘蚌紕偸′    雫寬I
悗f篝嚠篩i縒縡齢     Ⅷ辨f
輯駲f迯瓲i軌帶′     `守I厖孩
幢儂儼巓襴緲′          `守枢i磬廛
嚠篩I縒縡夢'´              `守峽f
蚌紕襴緲′             ‘守畝
f瓲軌揄′             ,gf毯綴
鳫襴鑿               奪寔f厦
絨緲′                    ”'罨悳
巓緲′                   綴〟 ”'罨椁
巓登嶮 薤篝㎜㎜ g    緲    甯體i爺綴。, ”'罨琥
I軌襴暹 甯幗緲fi'   緲',纜  贒i綟碕碚爺綴。 ”'罨皴
巓襴驫 霤I緲緲   纜穐  甯絛跨飩i髢綴馳爺綴。`'等誄