Kuma Shinken Practitioner
1 件のゲーム禁止記録 | 情報
最後の接続禁止から 743 日
Hanni 2023年10月26日 0時39分 
AzgarthX 2020年12月5日 17時03分 
I don't know if I sent you the csgo voting request but dont listen to that cause it was a bot using my account!Its a phishing scam! That wasnt me making the vote requests but I fixed it now.I logged in to the site to vote as well cause a friend asked me to and I chose to sign up using my steam account and thats how they grabbed my account to. It bypasses steam authentication and the bot spams your friends with the same voting request.I googled the issue here: https://steamproxy.com/discussions/forum/1/1745642381107247101/If you actually signed up with your steam account then you will need to delete the steam api key here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamScams/comments/k0jyiu/vote_for_csgo_scam_csgo_profile_changed_how_to_fix/The key gives websites some access to your account if you chose to signup to the sites through steam.Changing steam account password will also help.
Kuma Shinken Practitioner 2019年5月26日 3時05分 
who are you?
🆁🅴🅶🅴🅽🆃 2019年4月22日 2時36分 
now you know your place.
Stang 2016年5月17日 19時59分 
Suhhh Dude