Alexander   Oktyabrskoye, Khanty-Mansiy, Russian Federation
No information given.
Currently Online
Хорошие игры, которые Габэн запретил оценивать:
The Age of Decadence - 9.0
Alice: Madness Returns - 9.0
The Banner Saga - 8.0
Batman: Arkham Asylum - 9.0
Batman: Arkham City - 8.5
Batman: Arkham Origins - 8.5
BioShock - 8.0
BioShock 2 - 8.0
Bioshock Infinite - 8.5
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons - 8.0
Bully: Scholarship Edition - 8.0
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - 9.0
Curse of Monkey Island - 8.5
Deponia - 9.0
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav - 8.0
The Dark Eye: Memoria - 8.5
Darkest Dungeon - 8.0
Dead space - 8.0
Dead space 2 - 8.5
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten - 8.0
Deus Ex Human Revolution - 8.0
DOOM 2016 - 8.5
Dragon Age: Origins - 9.0
Dying light - 8.5
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout - 9.0
Enclave - 8.0
Evil Within 2 - 9.0
Far cry 3 - 8.0
Far cry 5 - 8.5
Into the Breach - 9.0
Injustice 2 - 8.0
Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth - 8.5
King's Bounty: Armored Princess - 8.5
Kingdom Come Deliverance - 8.0
Legend of Grimrock - 10.0
Legend of Grimrock 2 - 9.0
Lords of the fallen - 8.0
Mirrors Edge Catalyst - 8.0
Monster Hunter: World (Iceborne) - 8.5 (9.0)
Mr. Shifty - 8.0
Nioh - 8.0
Ori and the Blind Forest - 9.0
Papers, Please - 8.0
Remember Me - 8.0
Rogue Legacy - 8.5
Salt and Sanctuary - 9.0
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - 8.5
Shadowrun Returns - 8.0
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - 9.0
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - 8.5
Sonic & All-stars racing Transformed - 9.0
South Park: The Stick of Truth - 8.0
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 9.0
Total war: Warhammer II - 8.0
Transistor - 8.5
UnEpic - 8.0
VVVVVV - 8.0
The Wolf Among Us - 8.0
Witcher 3 (+dlc) - 10.0
Wolfstein: The New Order - 8.0
XCOM: Enemy Unknown - 9.0
Yakuza Kiwami 2 - 8.5

Antichamber - 7.0
Apotheon - 7.0
Ballpoint Universe - Infinite - 7.0
Battle Chasers: Nightwar - 7.0
The Binding of Isaac - 7.0
Book of demons - 7.0
Borderlands 2 - 7.5
Castle crashers - 7.5
Contrast - 7.0
Crown Trick - 7.0
Deadlight - 7.5
DmC Devil May Cry - 7.0
Dust An Elysian Tail - 7.0
Endless Legend - 7.0
ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West - 7.5
Fallout 3 - 7.5
Half-Life 2: Episode Two - 7.0
Hand of Fate - 7.0
Her Story - 7.0
Hidden Folks - 7.0
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - 7.5
Iratus Lord of the Dead - 7.5
Killer is dead - 7.5
Life is strange: Before the storm - 7.5
Massive Chalice - 7.0
Medium - 7.5
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes - 7.0
Mirror edge - 7.0
Murdered: soul suspect - 7.5
Narita Boy - 7.0
Need for Speed Payback - 7.0
A New Beginning - 7.5
The Night of the Rabbit - 7.0
SpecOps.TheLine - 7.0
Titanfall 2 - 7.5
Outland - 7.0
Pillars of Eternity - 7.0
Röki - 7.5
Ryse: Son of Rome - 7.0
Sniper elite 3 - 7.0
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes - 7.5
Wolfenstein The Old Blood - 7.5
Wolfenstein II The New Colossus - 7.5