⭐Serial Designation N⭐

ʚ♡ɞ-FemboyConey-ʚ♡ɞ 8 ธ.ค. @ 8: 32pm 
This is a very hilarious and very satire joke that these people do and these are very comedic and very enjoyable
ʚ♡ɞ-FemboyConey-ʚ♡ɞ 8 ธ.ค. @ 8: 14pm 
This is a hilarious joke
Twiig 8 ธ.ค. @ 5: 44pm 
sureeee buddy womp womp :3
⭐Serial Designation N⭐ 8 ธ.ค. @ 5: 43pm 
I don't wonder what's in your pants, I know for a fact because I heard your disgusting voice. Biology is biology. You cannot change that. I'd also fear to be your employer with your lack of basic spelling and grammar. It's funny you think you even are a small mark in my memory. You are dust in the wind. Another bug i've stomped under my boot who comes to my profile pitching a fit and crying. Return to obscurity where you belong.
Twiig 8 ธ.ค. @ 5: 35pm 
Surrreeee buddy, and your dad is gabe newell and I am gonna get banned. M8, rage bait is supposed to believable, "ERM I MAKE A BAJILLION DOLLARS AND I TOTALLY GET LAID ERM" Nah, I know your unemployed since you are too busy wondering whats in my pants thna actually. Your the loser bud, my IT job that makes me good money is waiting and the only thing you get out of this experience is getting mad by a ♥♥♥ furry, get good :3
⭐Serial Designation N⭐ 8 ธ.ค. @ 5: 22pm 
I make more money in a week than you will in an entire year. Nothing you say matters to me and you're a delusional "they/them" (not real btw, you were born male and are one.) It'll be fun seeing you back here in three more days when you remember how mad I made you again. Enjoy your McDonalds customer service job, loser.