
SASCO 最近的评测

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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 24.8 小时 (评测时 6.1 小时)
This Game succedeed to be an amazing Political and Economical simulator.

1) Even if it take a little distance from other type political or geopolitical simulator game regarding the structure (the most clear is the absence of a world map), this lack have been compensated from the deep connection between every political action and the related effects, cause and reactions. The study done on it have been impressive.

2) The law/policy/ideas/taxes are really a lot, and using the mod from the workshop, its helps to make the game more long and interesting.

3) The idea to create a specific bonus/malus for every country (ex. Italy has mafia as malus, and Italian dilemma as bonus) was perfect to avoid that every gameplay will be the same.

1) I notice only that few policy has strange effect, but maybe it's me that i didn't understand well (ex. if you increase the citizenship test, has the effect to decrease the racial tension, but in theory should be the opposite.

2) Some topics are too much simplified as an example:
-Popularity and vote: to remain in power you have to win the election with at least 50% of vote, a quite unrealistic if we compare with the deep work done on policy and laws.
-Population Ideology change in a way too much unrealistic: if you start with the 80% of population with Liberal ideology, doing the proper actions you can move all these people to become conservative in maybe 5/10 turn (should correspond on 15/30 months). You can do the same effect beween an example motorist and commuters.

I don't have nothing else to say, apart that i imagine how would be this game if it would have a structure with the world map, and conseguentially direct action on foreign policy, as attacking another country, or influence or invest on it.
I suggest to buy this game.

发布于 2023 年 10 月 6 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 1,280.7 小时 (评测时 22.3 小时)
Finalmente un gioco della Paradox che si incentra sull'economia e sulla politica. Capisco che molte persone sono rimaste deluse poiché si aspettavano un gioco con lo stesso "sapore" dei precedenti titoli Paradox.

Invece a mio riguardo, con questo titolo, la casa produttrice ha voluto innovare la sua offerta con un gioco che mette in risalto la gestione di Governo e dell'economia.

Spero che un giorno questa idea si possa tramutare in un titolo completamente ambientato nell'era moderna.

-a per chi, come me, piacciono i grand strategy games incentrati sulla politica, economia e gestione di un paese, consiglio questo titolo.

-nonostante a primo impatto il gioco possa sembrare complicato, in realtá dopo poche ore ne capisci il funzionamento di base, mentre per le meccaniche piú nascoste occorrono diverse ore. E se questo puó sembrare un pro, in realtá é un contro, poiché i contenuti sono si molto approfonditi, ma quantitativamente minori.

Victoria 3 é un'ottimo scheletro per le implementazioni future (sicuramente al lancio non sono stati inseriti ulteriori contenuti, sia per una questione di rendere il gioco accessibile e molti, sia per garantirsi future entrate dai nuovi DLC). Allo stato attuale, se volete incrementarne i contenuti, vi conviene inizialmente giocare in vanilla, e quando avete appreso le meccaniche, installare mod.

Io attualmente sto giocando con la mod "The Great Rework" di Imperialist.

VOTO: 7.5/10
发布于 2023 年 2 月 21 日。
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有 7 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 77.3 小时 (评测时 26.8 小时)
I Love this game, but it's full of BUGS/GLITCHES

this version of 2020 seem also a bit more bugged than previous.

I think this is the best geopolitical simulator game i found till now, but if the devs don't fix all these bugs, currently, play GP4 it's a bit frustrating.

I continue to support you, but PLEASE fix bugs!!
发布于 2021 年 3 月 15 日。
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