Stan The Man   Belgium
已遊玩 65 小時
Well, they did it. They're actually making the game better. Credit where credit is due, they've been making due on their initial promise all those years ago. Can safely say it's no longer in that state of "Best stay away from it, it's a mess" to "More or less safe to buy it, there is quite a lot that'll keep you occupied." Though, that being said, I realize this won't exactly be everyone's cup of tea.

But if you enjoy exploration, discovering different things for the first time, resource gathering, as well as making sure that you're stocked on essential resources to survive in general, crafting, base building, flying, being able to customise your character to some degree, slowly but surely unveiling the secrets, learning the different languages, upgrading your toolkit, ship, getting a freighter and much, much more: Give it a fair shot.

Are there issues? There are some minor gripes I did encounter, most stemming from minor graphical hiccups, but nothing really too bothersome to my overall 4-hour-play-session. (Which will gradually get longer and longer.)
已遊玩 82 小時
Edit 16/06: Don't believe for a second that Bethesda released the Creation Kit in order to make the game "mod friendly". They want Modders to do the heavy work for them, put it behind a paywall currency you can't refund in case the mod is broken. I once more state that Bethesda is NOT your friend.

I am once more uninstalling this hot garbage of a game, as it continues to bore the ever loving christ out of me.

Original Review: While there are some interesting ideas, concepts, characters, and quests in the game... They make out the minority of my experience with the game. I expected more. I expected better. You'd think Bethesda would take the lessons learned from both Fallout 4 & 76, and improve on their core ideas when it comes to creating an RPG. Yet they have not.

They somehow dumbed down Outpost creation to be quite the boring experience, even though it had a good foundation to be build off of in both Fallout games. Makes me think they're intentionally holding back, in order to make use of "Creation Club", to add missing items to decorate with and whatnot. And don't get me started on the Starship creation. This was something I was heavily interested with, but ultimately it's quite the waste of time.

As for the "big opens universe with loads to see and do", no. Maps are big (I guess) but they are void of anything to do, aside from the same few things you find on every place you land on. But oh, what was Bethesda's response to this again? Oh right, "were the astronauts that went to the moon bored because there was nothing to do? No." -- something along those lines anyway, which is asinine, and against consumers who have BOUGHT your product.

If you really want to buy & play starfield, way for a discount. And not just 10-30%, wait for a REAL discount like 50-70%. And that's still too generous of you to pay for a company that has begun anti-consumer tactics, and responses.

TES 6 is probably going to end up the same way, considering the path Bethesda has been taking since Fallout 4, Fallout 76, and now Starfield.
總時數 6,208 小時
最後執行於 3 月 6 日
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最後執行於 1 月 17 日
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