
Recensioni recenti di kablouser

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69.9 ore in totale (51.4 ore al momento della recensione)
Apart from the stuff you know already:
+Graphical capabilities
+Story writing (starts good, but all endings are generic)
+Gun play
+Melee play (meh)
-Gameplay balancing (Difficulty spikes and troughs)
-Game feel (weird floaty vipes, for example jumping is horrible)
-Not enough SFX (feels like silent film)
-Progression system (skill tree sucks, weapon upgrades sucks)

Extremely sub-par video game. Only good for ray-tracing showcases.
Pubblicata in data 18 gennaio 2021. Ultima modifica in data 11 febbraio 2021.
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37.1 ore in totale (7.7 ore al momento della recensione)
Lots of content. Very fun.
Pubblicata in data 14 settembre 2020.
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21.9 ore in totale
I completed the game. It's very annoying.

You can't drive 100 meters in your Jeep(tm) without being shot up by a village. And your car will slow down from the damage. And you will have to jump out and fight them. Sometimes they like to blow up every car in the area. So you have to walk the rest of the way. Very fun.

This makes going to any place on the map a pain in the butt.

Gun jams are annoying. If you want new guns that don't jam you will have to go to a gun store. And i dont drive there unless its convenient during another mission. So I often have old jammy guns. You cannot switch weapons during the gun jam animation. This makes jams very frustrating if you are standing in front of a group of enemies. You have to run away while it jams.

There is not much cover. Most walls are thin wooden fences. And the enemies shoot straight through them. This problem becomes apparent when you're outnumbered. The best cover are trees and mud huts and cars (but cars explode). Because they block bullets.

Some types of enemy behaviour are annoying. When enemies fall they sometimes don't die and attempt to pull out their pistol and shoot you. You cannot prevent this by shooting them during their fall. You have to wait until they start wiggling on the ground.

Mortar enemies and sniper enemies are extremely annoying. At the end of a fight when the normal enemies are dead, mortars and snipers continue deal little chunks of damage over time. And its really hard to spot them. Because snipers could shoot you from another village. And mortars are never in direct line of sight. Mortars could hide on a island across the water.

The camera sways are annoying. When you heal yourself your camera rotates slightly. Which makes it hard to run straight. And makes everything more disorientating.

Every automatic guns feels weak. Unless if you headshot, you will dump a whole mag into 1 single enemy to kill him. And you only have 5/6 mags. So you run out of ammo quite fast. Whereas any sniper rifle is 1-shot on the body. And most shotguns are 1-2-shot close on. They have 50/60 bullets in both. They are always better than autos.

Explosives are fun until you blow up your ride. And you only have 3/4 shots. And explosive refills are rarer than normal ammo refills.

Saving is just plain annoying. There are safe houses dotted throughout the map where you can save and sleep. Inside building where you get missions all have save boxes. But you can quick save on PC (probably not on consoles) which is way easier and faster. But you need to remember to save. Otherwise you will lose HOURS of progress. NOT FUN.

The story writing is OK. But its being told poorly in-game. The audio seems to skip pauses in the voice lines. There will be hyphens in the subtitle but there will be no pause at all. So it sounds very fast and slurred. Like everyone is waiting in-line for the toilet. And the jackal is apparently a very very bad person but suddenly becomes a very very good person. It makes the story unbelievable.

Useless features:
- Safe houses. You can save anywhere.
- You can ignore malaria. Wiki says stamina drains faster, i didn't even notice. And i never passed out in the 2nd area, probably a bug. But it dosen't matter because if you pass out the priest gives you a pill for free.
- Diamond cases treasure hunting. Literally worthless. Each mission gives you about 30 diamonds. Each case gives 1/2 diamonds. It's pointless.
- Side missions. All pointless. You should only do them if you want to see a number to up.
- Buddy side missions. You become better friends (your history number goes up). But that just means your 2nd best friend can save you every now and then. And all your friends betray you. And they don't affect the story.
- Priest missions that gives Malaria pills. Like i said you can just ignore malaria.
- Gun shop missions. These missions unlock new weapons. But the main mission unlocks these eventually.
- Radio tower missions gives 10 diamonds. Main mission gives 30. You can unlock all the useful weapons/upgrades with the main mission diamonds. Unless you want car repair upgrades or accuracy upgrades on 99 other guns you dont even use.

There are fun times in this game. But its so annoying to get there.

All the problems I've listed here are not deep problems. They can all be fixed quite easily. But its odd that these issues weren't addressed during testing. Did they revamp the mechanics late into development? Because the safe house feels so out of place. All its purpose is served by other buildings. Saving can be done at mission buildings, weapon ammo can be refilled at weapon shops.
Pubblicata in data 16 agosto 2020. Ultima modifica in data 16 agosto 2020.
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32.0 ore in totale (31.7 ore al momento della recensione)
Outcast was better.
In Jedi Academy more focus is put on customisation. And the feeling that YOURE THE JEDI. Not Kyle.
But that shouldn't be a goal.

The magic of star wars is fantasy. Using fiction and the fantastical unrealistic things to create a suspension of disbelief.
Giving the player the first person adjective is not needed. They don't need to believe that they are inside of the world. They need to believe that this world is wonderful. That's it.

Immersion should be reserved for Science-Fiction not Science-Fantasy. Basically sci-fi is realistic and achievable. But sci-fan is 100% made up bollocks. But its cool.

The game mechanics is almost identical to Jedi Outcast.
The weapons are the same.
The force powers are the same.
Feels like a DLC not another game.

The story feels much less interesting. Feels predictable and cartoonish. Bends itself to serve all the star wars cliches. You don't need to do that to appease the fans. Your character is a Mary Sue. ♥♥♥♥ off. Your side kick/nemesis is unlikable and dumb.

The progression is AWFUL. You get to choose a few small forgettable missions before an actual story mission. This is a waste of development time. Just make fewer high quality fun missions. Not small blandly designed missions that are like a chore.

Each mission (story or side quest) gives you upgrade points for force powers. This is terrible. I know what each ability does because I've played Jedi Outcast. But you shouldn't make players choose if they haven't played with these powers.
Same for the weapons. Before each mission you get to tweak your loadout. You shouldn't give the player so many options at the start of the game.
The primary, secondary, grenades etc feels like Call Of Duty multiplayer. Thats not good. This is not Call Of Duty. This is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Star Wars.

A better way is to introduce 1 power or 1 weapon for 1 mission. And dedicate that mission to playing around its mechanics. Its easier to design. Otherwise its harder to predict which weapon/power a player will use for a mission.
Force sense is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ power. When should the player use it? "All the time". ♥♥♥♥ off. Its required for some puzzles. Just remove it.
Pubblicata in data 8 maggio 2020.
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32.1 ore in totale
Fun game if you like sandboxy games.
There are many tiers. Which you progress through slowly. Money can get you through faster.
And you can buy beautifully built ships with money.
Higher tiers have more interesting mechanics. Each tier include the previous tier's stuff in a new model.

But this progression system is bad in my opinion. High levelled unlocks are objectively better than lower levelled. And higher levelled mechanics are usually superior. It should be high levels unlocks interesting mechanics but still roughly the same effectiveness as the lower levelled weapons. Otherwise its pay to win.

I just think the tier system is unnecessary. It helps to teach the player about individual weapons. But you can achieve that without tiers.

There should be more weapons types. They are quite generic and boring.
There should be blocks that affect the abilities of your weapons. Enhance fire rate or damage or cooldown reduction.
There should be more team play. The game mode is pretty boring. Everyone usually goes off doing their own thing.
Pubblicata in data 8 maggio 2020.
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52.2 ore in totale (32.4 ore al momento della recensione)
A shooter not encouraging running for once.
You shoot, then move a step, then shoot again. Not like any other shooter.
Interesting balanced guns. More expensive/powerful weapons are harder to reload and use.
Drinking whiskey recovers health but you are now drunk.
Pubblicata in data 8 maggio 2020.
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41.2 ore in totale
There is historic mode or arcade mode.

Historic is ridiculously slow. And fighting is short. Missions are over too fast compared to the amount of time climbing in your plane.

Arcade mode is much easier to get into. But objectives seem bland and pointless. They could encourage more teamwork. Crashing into other planes is rude but allowed.

And then there's jets. Jets are late game. Ermm ... they should be in a different gamemode or game.

It's also pay to win.
Pubblicata in data 8 maggio 2020. Ultima modifica in data 8 maggio 2020.
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42.0 ore in totale
First zombies, then no zombies.
First radiation, then hazmat suit = no problemo.

The original direction seems more interesting.

Players fight amongst each other like blood thirsty cut-throats. Patrolling the spawn beaches like some sort of holy quest. Unloading magazines into the dead body of a newly spawned naked.

You should split up the high level/low level players. So AKs fight against AKs. And naked bowmen against naked spear throwers. Makes more sense and will be less rage inducing.

A good way to slit up high level/low level players could be using the radiation system. High level areas slowly get more and more radiation. And players need to move their bases towards high rads. And the low levelled players stay at low rad areas.
And the map could be like MineZ. Where all the north regions are high levelled. And the south regions are low levelled. So they are seperated more evenly.

Wiping servers is a very dumb solution. A lot of mechanics are centered around progression. Blueprints, base building, factions, raids (pvp and pve raids). Seems better to increase map size. And increase decay rate for low activity bases. And increase upkeep costs substantially to supermassive bases. Area circled by base should be included. Like spawn prison bases.

I dont think every weapon should be pin point accurate. A bow crafted by your bare hands shouldnt be one shot sniping a unlucky passer by. The fast pace of the combat feels wrong for such a long grindy game. Slow down the movement, running and jumping. Create accuracy penalties for moving too much.

If you want fast pace, you shouldn't expect the player to craft all their gear again. It only rewards the grindiest of players.

Building bases to defend against players is fun. But you shouldn't be punished with restarting the game if your defences fail. It should be easier to recover from a raid. Maybe basic materials should be harder to loot (stored inside super unbreakable safe or something). Mighty Quest For Epic Loot is a very fun game about base building and stealing ♥♥♥♥. But it dosent push you quit the game if you are raided.
Pubblicata in data 8 maggio 2020.
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49.3 ore in totale
Not minecraft.
Dayz? Maybe.
Rust? Yep.

I enjoyed the singleplayer far more than the multiplayer.

The stealth is alright.
The zombies are a bit dumb. Could be fun if they invade your base like 7 days to die.
The early game is sort of hard. Then it gets really easy after you get good gear.
Zombies have no variety other than health. So the game gets easy when you have good supply of ammo.
And road killing is too easy.
Military bases are sort of pointless. You need good gear to loot the place. After you loot them you become even more OP than you were already.
Some puzzles or dungeons from Rust could be cool for the late game.

Base building is pretty pointless in singleplayer.

Multiplayer is like Rust - dumb. Whats the point of trying to get gear for hours on end, whilst getting killed by high level sweats. Then you finally get the good gear. And you move on to bully noobs. And the cycle starts all over. Then the server gets wiped. What is the point?!
Pubblicata in data 8 maggio 2020.
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148.2 ore in totale (58.1 ore al momento della recensione)
pew pew pew bang bang bang bang

When I first played the game it was terrifying. But that has changed.
The most fun is probably running around as a trio making as much noise as possible. Cross country for both bounties. And leaving no survivors behind.

The slow pace is refreshing from all other FPS trying to speed up the pace. Nite fort, pubGEE, even rainbow 6.

The guns are all very cool.
The progression is done right. Levelling gives cool weapons but not necessarily better.
Revised main menu is ♥♥♥♥. I don't know why they changed it.

Controls are special. I must praise them for trying to make actions more delibrate. You cannot fire without clicked 2 buttons. Although i think the shift key should be avoided at all costs because of shift lock. But they can be switched back to traditional in the settings.

A big problem with the game is single player experience. It becomes significantly harder. And in turn this makes losing hunters more common. Which another issue. If a player is too afraid of losing hunters, they have no choice but to stop playing.
I think this issue is hard to fix.
Pubblicata in data 8 maggio 2020. Ultima modifica in data 8 maggio 2020.
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