Vincent   Eisenach, Thuringen, Germany
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A great game with a great future

Honestly I played this game too much to not recommend it. The combat is great, the maps are fun and the community is really friendly (I had maybe two toxic people in my time playing). So am I recommending this game? Yes of course, this is the greatest bang for my buck in my steam library, but I don't know if you can stick with this game for long.
If you find the combat to be fun and want to see everything there is in this game you can spend like 120 hours to do all things which I would recommend doing, if it's really fun you can play this game for well over a thousand hours (I'm still not finished with everything).
If it doesn't click with you in the first few hours, just refund it. Still I think everyone should at least try it, if a first person diablo set in the Warhhamer Fantasy universe sounds appealing to you: this is your dream come true.

If you're not sure about it I will say this: try it and when you're happy with it stay for a few months and then run! You don't want to be around for as long as I am. So now let's get into the actual review part.

Why am I still here?

So to start I think it's important to know where my opinon of this game comes from, I remember when the first one came out, I was initially interested but didn't buy till I had already put around 500 hours into the second game, so I'm not a veteran of the series by any means. I played both games and overall I think the second is better.
When I bought this game on launch I was actually still playing with two friends, it was supposed to be gap filler for when Monster Hunter Worrld came out, but then I liked this game much more and played it for the next few months and suddenly the game was celebrating it's first anniversary, I would say this was the best time to be a fan of Vermintide 2. Then Winds of Magic hit, I was among many of the early beta players. I won't say that I think the game got worse after this expansion, by any means right now it's the best it's ever been, but something changed and I will tell you what changed later: For now I will recommend this game again. Right now you probably get the most fun with it, since there are now 15 maps and not just the twelve of the main game.

The Game

Vermintide 2 is first person hack and slash set in the Warhammer Fantasy Universe. Further it's set during the End Times, so as always in this lovely universe: everything is ♥♥♥♥, ohh and the world is ending, but not to worry Lohner has a plan.
Lohner is an innkeeper in the small town of Übersreik (the birthplace of SIGMAR) and throughout the first game we somewhat save the city with his help: We are Victor Saltzpyre, Markus Kruber, Sienna Fuegonasus, Bardin Gorekson and the noisy elf.
In the second game our band of heroes has left the small town of Übersreik (or better said has been captured) and made it's way towards the mountain fort of Helmgart. There the Skavenclan Fester has allied with the Rotblood Tribe of the norscan Chaosworshippers, it's now our objective to destroy their armies, leaders and equipment. And while we're at it: we also travel to the Castle of Drachenfels, where yet another Aids... uhm I mean Chaossorcerer is threatening the area.

So as you can tell, this game has a story, which in my opinion is one of the many reasons this coop-game is superior to many of its competitors. Four out of the Five characters are exremely likeable, they're all well developed and have nice banter with each other. Fortune brought them together and it shows. Even though they insult each other a lot the contrary is true, they need each more than they know and it shows. I would recommend this game for the characters alone, but again there's also the actual gameplay.

The good

The gameplay is incredible in this game, it's a fully fleshed out combat system with many miniscule details you will learn while playing. The skillceiling is near endless and you can always get better, if this appeals to you, I again recommend buying it.
Starting out you will play one of five characters, while you play you gradually unlock careers for each character, in total you can unlock 15 careers. All of them are similiar yet on the higher difficulties they will work different depending on which task you have to fulfil in a given career. Each character has his/her own set of weapons, all the weapons are good, there is no s tier, they are all viable. So again this is a lot you can do and on top of that there are different tier for each weapon, grey being the worst, then green, then blue, then orange and then red. You get weapons by completing a level and getting a loot box, if you collect items on the map which make the game harder you will get a better loot box at the end and therefore better loot, problem being, this is very random.
The weaves system is better (but we don't talk about that).
The main core of the combat is pushing, blocking and dodging while slashing at hordes of enemies. The enemies are all varied, there are as of now: Skaven, Chaos and Beastmen. Each Faction has a unique miniboss which you will encounter (Skaven and Chaos have two I know). There are also specials which you should snipe because they're are really dangerous and then there are elite enemies for each faction: Blackrats with spears and shields for Skaven and Chaos Warriors and Marauder for the Rotbloods (we don't talk about Beastmen).
Add to that five Boss maps, there you can beat the Rotblood tribeleaders, the greyseer of Clan Fester, the Warlord of the Skaven and a Chaossorcerer. These maps are normal maps with the same gameplay, however there end event is a boss fight, if you bring the right careers these can be really easy, if not they will be a fair challenge.
Again if this sounds good to you, then buy the game, it's on sale very frequently and even the normal price is pretty fair.

The Bad

So I'm not reluctant to recommend this game, I think it's good and everyone should try it, however: If you want to stay here for as long as me, you should go. This is not elitism, the developers of this game are just really bad at handling it and it hurts. New content is handled really poorly in this game, I've been saying it for a few months now: this game isn't dead, it's being starved.
There are night maps in this game, but the only time you'll see them is around halloween, there are actually 16 free maps, but one you'll only see during the anniversary, I find this to be harmful to the game as a whole and not really something special to celebrate. The latest free content for this game were three new maps, they're are among the best maps in the whole series and they are my only hope that this game will become better.
This also ties into dlc management, the biggest dlc (and the one which had a beta) was a disaster and it's incredible that this game is still alive, in other words this really shows how good the actual gameplay is. They don't do big dlc anymore, now you can buy cosmetics, which seems to work for them.
I hope that in a few months I can come back here and delete these sentences, but as of today I will not.
We might also get one new career this year but if we're being honest this is not enough content. Here's hope they add more maps and finally release the content they already have, if not I don't think this game is gonna last the three or five more years they are aiming for.

Edit 1

It's been two freaking days since I wrote this review and it's already outdated, I will now fullyrecommend this game for a few reasons:
1. They announced an update for june 23 2020, this will feature new weather effects, this makes the game more replayable.
2. The new career is coming on june 23rd, this is much sooner than anticipated and gives me hope, that we will actually get two careers this year.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask me here or as pm.
Happy slaying everyone.
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