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1579 jour(s) depuis le dernier bannissement
red 24 juil. 2023 à 10h20 
fake acc
Eileen 8 sept. 2020 à 17h02 
💗 Dear ^=FlaSH=^... 🥒
→ The only time a dog gets complimented is when he doesn't do anything. -- C. Schulz
→ "If you don't want your dog to have bad breath, do what I do: Pour a little Lavoris in the toilet." -- Jay Leno

💙 ✦ 🎁 ✦ 🐛 ✦ 😺 ✦ 🏀 ✦ 🍇 ✦ 🎫 ✦ 🎍 ✦ 📀 ✦ 💗 ✦ 🐊 ✦ 💃 ✦ 🌏 ✦ 🐝 ✦ 🥗
Yours truly, Jerrell Maier (the cat)
🌸 https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1167069434 🚕
don't Zuhn 9 déc. 2018 à 6h55 
Да пошёл ты нахй
76561198861834362 31 oct. 2018 à 11h47 
+rep top player with deagle
Junior 15 aout 2018 à 7h36 
Yungchrist 2 juin 2018 à 1h39 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ RUSSIAN ♥♥♥♥