Timp de joc în ultimele 2 săptămâni:

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12 din 33 (36%) realizări obținute:
Realizări personale

Once upon a time

Level up a Hero during a game
Obținută la 14 febr. la 17:33

Secret Technique

Select an Ultimate ability during a game
Obținută la 14 febr. la 17:44


Select a Final Talent during a game
Obținută la 14 febr. la 18:19

Chapter 2

Reach Chapter 2
Obținută la 14 febr. la 17:51

Chapter 3

Reach Chapter 3
Obținută la 14 febr. la 18:10

The House of Nightmares

Reach Epilog - Part 1
Obținută la 27 febr. la 20:38

The Ogress's Lair

Reach Epilog - Part 2
Obținută la 3 mart. la 23:45

The Ravenswatch Oath

Achieve Victory in multiplayer
Obținută la 16 febr. la 19:38

The Three Little Pigs

Complete all three Swyne brothers quests
Obținută la 27 febr. la 18:57

No one left behind

Complete 3 quests in a single run
Obținută la 16 febr. la 19:28

The Thirst for Knowledge

Complete 4 or more Grimoires in a single run
Obținută la 3 mart. la 21:41

A Reinvigorating Journey

Use 6 or more Healing fountains in a single run
Obținută la 16 febr. la 19:21

A Diary of Days

Unlock all Memoirs of Scarlet

Tale of Frightful Fife

Unlock all Memoirs of the Pied Piper

The Curse of a Drake's Mother

Unlock all Memoirs of Beowulf

The Annals of the Reign of Queen Nyss

Unlock all Memoirs of the Snow Queen

The Thief Who Married a Princess

Unlock all Memoirs of Aladdin

A Mermaid's Lullaby

Unlock all Memoirs of Melusine

A Memoir of Dire Mirth

Unlock all Memoirs of Geppetto

The Epic Tragic Tale of Immortal Demise

Unlock all Memoirs of Sun Wukong

Letters to Laura - Diary of a Dhampire

Unlock all Memoirs of Carmilla

Master of Challenges

Complete 5 challenges in Darkness difficulty or more

The Cleansing of Reverie

Complete 3 or more Nightmare tumors in a single run

Three Wishes

Wish for 3 Magical Objects at a single Wishing Well

Giant Slayer

Defeat 3 optional bosses in a single run

Mercy of the Ravens

Buy 3 feathers from Altar of Heroes in a single run

Loot Hoarder

Have 20 or more magical objects equiped during a single run

Open sesame!

Collect 5 or more keys in a single run


Interact with 6 or more Refugees in a single run

The Thirst for Power

Use 6 or more Sacrificial Idols in a single run

3 realizări ascunse rămase

Detaliile realizărilor vor fi dezvăluite odată cu deblocarea acestora.