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what the hell man
Posted 31 August, 2017.
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13.9 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It was a normal fuggy day in new york buissness remained as usuall, Jhon was just getting off work..
he walked out of his office and heard taxis honking and kids screeching he realized he was in the gates off hell he walked throughg the gate and
damn dud he see all dat stank asss n ♥♥♥♥ boi. jhon tokk all his ♥♥♥♥ ass butt nekid and just sat on a fat ass rock in the middle of hell.
jhon all of a sudden heard sirens, he bolted out off hell with the fat rock ♥♥♥♥ still up his ass.
He looked back to see if the sirens had persued him. but when he looked back..he didnt see anything, not a spec of life
in fact not even an image did he see.
he didnt see anything at all, just darkness.
A black endless void of misery.. and pain.
He screeamed for help but nobody answered....
all that could be heard was his echo...the echos of his cries for help as he realizes he has no hope..no hope in anything anymore.
An alarm... JHon then Springs upward in his bed... drenched in sweat and fear.
it is 3:18am a very foggy early morning for jhon.. jhon starts to cry. it was the same dream he has been haunted by for the last few days. He looks over and sees the missing
woman in his bed. that he will never have.. He starts to sob a very deep distorted sob though, lights began to flicker and the next second jhon stoped sobbing..
jhon flicks his head to the side to get under the bed he pulled out a gun.. and with that gun he stand..ready to end it all... a new beginning in a new world..
he pulled the trigger,and as the bullet took his life... his painfull... now painless and now happy life.
Reality snapped back into jhon .. it was a dream in a daydream. he had fallen asleep at work
Dammit, did his boss see him? he didnt know, so he just sucked it up and went back to work.
Jhon was a cyber security engineer at a company called 'LOCin Protection co.'.Jhon was also a grey hat hacker by night.. very skilled from his job in cyber security.
LOCin, it is a company that provides private online security for BIG organizations or companys.
Recently they have been Closly protecting Ecorp, the biggest organization in the country currently.Jhon deeply resents Ecorp.. he knows they are not what they seem...
Anyway.. Jhon sees the time its 6:27pm 3 more minutes untill he can finally head home..so he just packs up, and heads out of the desks area.
He sees angela.. his childhood friend.. he says hi to her and they exchange a conversation about how if jhon wanted to go to angelas party tonight a a club/bar downtown
he says hell try to make it and goes down the stairs into the lobby and heads out and walks home. it is drizzling.. he didnt care.. he took a walk through rainy newyork.
his apartment wasnt to far away.. all of a sudden he sees 2 men staring at him as he walked by. both in black suits and ties. he knew who they were.
he has been seing them for months alot. but he doesnt know who they actually are. he starts to walk faster. not knowing if they are after him or not..
jhon runs home... when he gets to his apartment a man slowly draggs up to him a homless man starving and begging. he jhon for change. the homless man scared jhon
thinking it was one of the men in black.. Jhon sprints up the stairs to his apartment and as he reaches his door he rapidly starts lookin for his keys. he pulls them out
unlcoks the door andd slams it behind him, thinking the men were behind him the whole time. Jhon goes over to his bed and throws himself on it.
He reaches to his dresser and takes to pills and water and takes the pills struggling to swallow them after being out of breath nearly a minute ago..
Jhon slowly dozes off to a nap..
he wakes up about 2 hours later..

Posted 18 September, 2016.
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