Przepis na świąteczny BIGOS:


2 kg kapusty
0,5 kg boczku świeżego
0,5 kg karkówki lub łopatki
0,5 kg kiełbasy głogowskiej(śląskiej)
20 dkg kiełbasy jałowcowej
30 dkg pieczarek lub grzybów suszonych
4 sztuki śliwek suszonych(bez pestek)
ziele angielskie,liście laurowe,pieprz,sól
2 cebule
1 słoiczek koncentratu pomidorowego


Kapustę zalać wodą, dodać ziele angielskie, liście laurowe. Mięso podsmażyć na tłuszczu, pokroić w kostkę, dodać do kapusty. Kiełbasę pokroić w kostkę podsmażyć razem z cebulką na tłuszczu, dodać do kapusty. Dodać pieczarki pokrojone lub grzybki suszone wcześniej namoczone i obgotowane w wodzie, w której się moczyły, oraz śliwki. Gotować bigos na wolnym ogniu, pod koniec gotowania dodać koncentrat pomidorowy, dobrze wymieszać, doprawić do smaku solą i pieprzem
현재 오프라인
AYAYA ANY CUTIES IN CHAT? 2021년 1월 15일 오전 9시 04분 
All bark no bite 2020년 9월 16일 오후 1시 34분 
If you think you’ve ever been to Australia, you’re terribly wrong. The plane pilots are all in on this, and have in all actuality only flown you to islands close nearby – or in some cases, parts of South America, where they have cleared space and hired actors to act out as real Australians.

Australia is one of the biggest hoaxes ever created, and you have all been tricked. Join the movement today, and make it known that they have been deceived. Make it known, that this has all just been a cover-up. The things these “Australian” says to be doing, all these swear words and actions based on alcoholism, MDMA and bad decisions, are all ways to distract you from the ugly truth that is one of the greatest genocides in history. 162,000 people was said to have been transported to this imaginary land during a mere 80 years, and they are all long dead by now. They never reached that promised land.
All bark no bite 2020년 9월 16일 오후 1시 34분 
The real reason you can't invade Australia is because it doesn't exist. Australia is not real. It’s a hoax, made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace. In reality, all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters, drowning before they could see land ever again. It’s a coverup for one of the greatest mass murders in history, made by one of the most prominent empires.

Australia does not exist. All things you call “proof” are actually well fabricated lies and documents made by the leading governments of the world. Your Australian friends? They’re all actors and computer generated personas, part of the plot to trick the world.

AYAYA ANY CUTIES IN CHAT? 2020년 1월 5일 오전 4시 04분 
Przepis na świąteczny BIGOS:


2 kg kapusty
0,5 kg boczku świeżego
0,5 kg karkówki lub łopatki
0,5 kg kiełbasy głogowskiej(śląskiej)
20 dkg kiełbasy jałowcowej
30 dkg pieczarek lub grzybów suszonych
4 sztuki śliwek suszonych(bez pestek)
ziele angielskie,liście laurowe,pieprz,sól
2 cebule
1 słoiczek koncentratu pomidorowego


Kapustę zalać wodą, dodać ziele angielskie, liście laurowe. Mięso podsmażyć na tłuszczu, pokroić w kostkę, dodać do kapusty. Kiełbasę pokroić w kostkę podsmażyć razem z cebulką na tłuszczu, dodać do kapusty. Dodać pieczarki pokrojone lub grzybki suszone wcześniej namoczone i obgotowane w wodzie, w której się moczyły, oraz śliwki. Gotować bigos na wolnym ogniu, pod koniec gotowania dodać koncentrat pomidorowy, dobrze wymieszać, doprawić do smaku solą i pieprzem
AYAYA ANY CUTIES IN CHAT? 2019년 6월 13일 오전 6시 37분 
You idiot. Simpleton. Low-IQ cockroach. How dare you not get my joke? I have spent years, decades, studying comedic theory to master the craft of making people laugh. You have insulted me and brought dishonor to my bloodline. My career is now in shambles because of you. You have ruined me. My days of being an internet funny man are no more. I can no longer sustain my family. This calls for a punishment of the highest degree. Since you have shamed me in front of the masses, I shall do the same to you. And all I need to do is utter three simple syllables. R. Slash. Woosh. Good luck recovering from that.
AYAYA ANY CUTIES IN CHAT? 2019년 6월 5일 오전 9시 52분 
I am a heron. I have a long neck and I pick fish out of the water with my beak. If you don't repost this comment on 10 other pages, I will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans.