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3 people found this review helpful
68.1 hrs on record (55.7 hrs at review time)
Shadow of mordor is Badass to say the least the nemesis system works perfectly making every encounter different.
This game has an enteresting story to tell and an emmensly fun open world to explore with badass orc strongholds filled with little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, captains and sometimes even warchiefs. This game has in my opinion the best hand to hand combat system I have ever used taking Ideas like its instant parry from assassins creed and the combos from batman arkham franchise. It actually takes alot from the ac series like climbing and parkour, taking parts from batman arkham like the stealth and the bulk of the combat and it even takes from the new tomb raider with the collectables each thing telling its own story. This game was almost perfect and if they added these 5 things it could have been my favorite game of all time its already soo close.

1. give the plants different uses for example the blue one refills the stamina, the green heals you, the yellow makes your weapons deal more damage and red makes you faster. Also adding crafting with scavenged materials would be awesome

2. instead of having graugs and caragors use different animals from the tolkien universe that are more popular like wargs and cave trolls

3. add dragons yes maybe alot to ask but you cannot deny the badass idea of it, a dragon in each part of the map how badass would that be like the ultimate boss battle

4. have ally camps like three camps per location one for elves, one for dwarves, and one for humans. Each camp would have a blacksmith shop where you could by upgrades for weapons and armor that are not mystical but made from leather and metal these upgrades would change your appearance. Also each camp would have a mission that would help the camp making it upgraded and ready to take mordor.

5. a third location, in this game there are 2 maps one the sea of nurnun and the other is uden but the third location would be really dark there would be volcanoes smoke fire incredbly op enemies a place drowned in evil this would be the last location you head to

the 5 things I have mentioned where things wanted added but where not needed to make this game great it is well worth the price and in a bit of time when more dlc is released it will be worth buying the premium edition. I give this game a 9/10
Posted 29 December, 2014.
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145.9 hrs on record (135.4 hrs at review time)
Watch dogs I had the most mixed opinions for the game more than I have for any other it didnt deliver on what was originally promised but it had its moments enough moments to make my playthrough actually quite enjoyable.
I feel the game was slightly rushed probably towards the end of development because there is some glitches and bugs but nothing gamebreaking. Chicagos open world was vast one of my favorite open worlds to explore it my have lacked a little divercity but it was incredibly slick the large buildings in the mad mile look magnefecient the cars look really slick mimicing BMWS and Mercedies cars which makes you feel badass. As much as I enjoyed the game it did have its problems so hear is the 6 things that could be improved

1. shooting out of cars I know the hacking was supposed to be your weapon but it would have braught another layer to the driving

2.a better song selection common I dont want to listen to emo music and rap lets listen to some glitch mob and more electronic stuff

3. customization would have been greatly loved by me at least because then I could make the game my own there would be car cuztomization, gun customization, and more clothing customization

4. as cool as chicago was it still lacked in the divercity department I would have liked to see the parts of the city exaggerated for example the ♥♥♥♥♥ part of town would look really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ graphity everywhere no cops to be found but in the rich part of town there would be more cops no craphitty huge towering builings mdern art and really rich looking ai

5. make aiden pearce a much more interesting character

6. have more cops and gang members roaming the streets and have shootings between the two occur

To summerize I loved the game but it did not have things it needed to make it great. size wise it is well worth 59.99$
but quality wise it wasnt fully up to pare. I definetly reccommend this game to anyone who can look past this games problems and enjoy it for what it is. I give this game an 8/10
Posted 29 December, 2014.
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361.6 hrs on record (307.9 hrs at review time)
one the best assassins creeds this game is beautiful chalk full of content with a great story almost everything in this game is done perfectly but there are a few problems that i found ruined some of the gameplay for me.

+ the map is huge and full of environments
+ the antagonist is awesome i love playing an anti hero
+ the naval combat is done amazingly
+ though simple the character cuztomization makes the game your own

-the game is very poorly optimized so it requires a lot more graphicaly than needed
-there is a lot of lag not in framerate but in minor delays whenever i try to do something
-hand to hand combat system was dumbed down even more

overall great game would give it 9/10

Posted 12 October, 2014.
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135.4 hrs on record (125.7 hrs at review time)
I stuck a probe in a civilians ass shot him sky high then when the cops came i killed them all and then danced over their dead bodies all to the song "we can dance if we want to" best gaming moment ever
Posted 11 October, 2014.
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159.6 hrs on record (138.9 hrs at review time)
dressed up as a fat woman with pasties then twerked atop my foes 10/10
Posted 19 September, 2014.
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132.1 hrs on record (43.3 hrs at review time)
do you like challenging rpgs? then this game is for you with advanced and difficult combat this game is incredibly fuffiling
the campaign is amazing with multiple endings and some intense moments. Also the game is riddled with npcs with epic sidequests for you to complete for example: you see a nightmare of a dwarf being killed and its up to you to solve a murder mystery and at the end making an inportant desicion that will effect you in the long run. the problem i had with this game is the fact that it was pretty linear you could not re explore the three sections of the map and there was invisible walls everywhere which was annoying at times but it never really took away from the gameplay.
Posted 19 September, 2014.
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478.8 hrs on record (393.6 hrs at review time)
just gonna get this outa the way this game is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazing it has a good story, great stealth mechanics, fun cover to cover combat and some of the best characters (vaas) i have seen in a video game. Also has epic open world to explore great side quests and some mean ass tigers. so obviously highly recommend
Posted 18 September, 2014.
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103.8 hrs on record (66.1 hrs at review time)
many people say that this game is not as good as some of the other assassins creed games well im here to tell you they were wrong. in my opinion this is one othe the best assassins creeds to date it has smooth controls, a load of badass assassin weapons and tools, a load of different costumes and some of the best side quests i have seen in an open world. the only beef i have to pick with this game is conners character and the characters voice acting it was shallow and bland with only one emotion so it was off putting sometimes. so overall an awesome game fully reccomend it
Posted 24 August, 2014. Last edited 19 September, 2014.
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17 people found this review helpful
100.5 hrs on record (77.8 hrs at review time)
this is the first tom clancy game I have played and I have loved every second I have spent on this game. Why? because its addicting, the campaign is epic, the stealth is fast paced, and the deniable ops is just so fun i can't resest clicking the play button. Even though the game is four yrs old it still has reasonably good graphics for today. Of course the graphics are not as good as some of the newer games but they are not bad at all. Since this game is four yrs old it does not have alot of people playing on the multiplayer-coop servers so it takes time to find a match partner. A big problem I had with the game was the multiplayer wouldn't work an error came up saying something like: "splinter cell conviction multiplayer servers are unavailable at this moment please try again later" and this kept happening day after day so I couldn't connect to multiplayer until I opened ports, reinstalled the game, and reinstalled steam. Plus the bug is a very common issue for us PC gamers so look out. Besides the bug splinter cell conviction is one of the best games I have played in a long time and I highly recommend it. hoped this review helped you.
Posted 12 April, 2014.
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37.0 hrs on record (13.3 hrs at review time)
this game was amazing the graphics where impressive the settings were amazing and the controls where smooth. The only problem I had was the campaign was a little short it took me 3 days to complete. but you do have many other activities to complete like challenges and tombs full of salvage. so overall amazing it has everything I want to see in a game and I hope there will be another tomb raider coming soon.
Posted 2 January, 2014.
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