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35.2 timer registreret i alt (19.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
・2*8GB RAM
・GTX 1070
・Installed on a hard drive (yes I know it's not the best thing to do)
・Download/Install took about 4-5 hours
・Playing on medium settings with a PS4 controller.

Generally 60fps during the tutorial (around Sedona) and bush flying the Nevada region. Tends to fall to 15-20fps when I enter the world or look at something I never saw before in that session, which hints my read speeds being the issue. However, careful observation of task manager on my second screen revealed that only my CPU was spiking real hard, while GPU and storage were just chilling whenever frame rate dropped. The GPU would pretty much down to idle when CPU spikes, while storage doesn't get meaningful amount of access once I enter the flight. Weird. It shows 10 out of 16GB RAM are used, so I should have enough RAM if the sim wants it. I'm guessing CPU is the bottleneck? Not quite sure.
Note flying into more detailed areas can make the ambient fps (or whatever its called) drop to around 40. Am I complaining? GIven my machine has served me 5 years without issues, I'm more grateful it actually performs this well.
山とか砂漠みたいなところ(チュートリアルやbush flying)を飛行していれば基本的に60fpsですが、飛行を開始した瞬間であったり、見たことのない景色を見ようとしたりという状況では15-20fpsまで落ちます。HDDに入れたんだから仕方ないよねって思いながらタスマネ見てたら、フレームレート急落時に動いてるのはCPUでした。なんじゃそら。読み込みが遅いだけだと思ってたのに、ストレージほぼ動いてないじゃないですかやだー( ́・ω・ )

・If you're like me whose last experience with a flight sim is the days of FSX, then medium settings are good enough to see the graphic improvements.
・Unlike FSX, you get to see critical flight information, as well as other things (e.g. power) when using the outside camera BY DEFAULT. Personally this is the biggest improvement.

・No mouse yoke is extremely frustrating (as in not even offered as an option). Is it an issue? Not much. Just saying if it were somehow added as an option, I would've been personally happier.
・Much less missions. From what little I have played up to this point, there are a) challenging landings and b) bush flying. I will be waiting for the exciting missions FSX had to offer. Don't get me wrong however, bush flying is the only thing I've been doing for most of my flight time.
・Thank you Microsoft for not letting us refund.
Skrevet: 29. august 2020.
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39 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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8.2 timer registreret i alt



他の方も指摘していましたが、点Aから点Bに人を運ぶのはCrazy Taxiなどの作品もありますし、それなりの面白みはなくもないです。が、船というのは何もない水上を突っ切るのがメインで障害物を避けるといった車らしいこと、減速したりバックすることに制約があって緊張感がある航空機と違い、おそろしく平和な旅になります。製作者さん側もそれは分かっているのか、海賊にRPGを撃たれたり竜巻に遭遇したりはしますが、避けるのは簡単ですし、そもそも遭遇しないことも平和な旅も多々あります。


Skrevet: 29. februar 2016.
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