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Ergebnisse 10–14 von 14
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Patria Grande
Kollektion von Leugi
Patria Infinita: Leugi's Sponsors
Kollektion von Leugi
Sponsors for Civilization: Beyond Earth. Most of them are a bit American-Themed... Still lots of them in planning stage.
Leugi's Biblical Civilizations
Kollektion von Leugi
Biblical Civilizations, mostly of the Levant. This can surely help in providing an interesting early Middl-East game!
Patria Grande: Civilizations of the Americas Mods
Kollektion von Leugi
Modern Civilizations from America, that give varied playstyles and try to be as close to the official as possible. All of them are for Brave New World. Enjoy!
Abya Yala: Native American Civilizations
Kollektion von Leugi
Native American Civilization Mods, from South to North! (Well, North, not yet, but it will come I swear) The civilizations chosen here also feature Music, and custom Art, attempting to feel as official as possible. Enjoy!
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