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232.6 hrs on record (100.6 hrs at review time)
my wife doesn't love me

games aight
Posted 22 November, 2020.
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359.2 hrs on record (281.5 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Posted 26 July, 2020.
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0.3 hrs on record
Please I beg you, do not install this game you will die before you can unistall it because the tutorial is basically forced on to you and makes you want to commit suicide it's terrible just let it die go install League or Dota
Posted 11 September, 2017.
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290.0 hrs on record (193.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Where to start? Brawlhalla a very fast paced brawl game closely related to Smash Bros.

I would just like to say I spent I long time on this game and enjoyed most of it.

Pros of the game:
Free to play (Who doesn't love a F2P game?)
Easy to learn hard to master.
A large ammount of charcters.
A very simple yet fun game.
No pay to win.
Competitive play is very enjoyable.
Lots of new content all the time.

Cons of the game:
The large ammount of charcters comes at a cost you can either grind for hours for one charcter or pay money for it which -you will evently have to do if you want all the charcters.
F2P means alot of kids and people who are toxic play and is to be expected.
Gets quite repititve.
Lots and lots of spam like alot of spam like alot alot of spam...
Balance isn't very good.
If you want anything other than a couple charcters and basic skins in 100 hours then you will have to buy.

Overall, great game its free to play so cant really fault it on its main problem of lots of grinding and there is no P2W so we have to thank them for that. Toxic community is to be expected. The servers can be awfull at times and make it feel like you are playing on 2 fps when your at 100 fps. ( Not what I actually play on btw )

Rating: 8/10 Triggered Approved!
Posted 11 March, 2017.
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31.6 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
First off I would just like to say if you didn't play Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 then dont listen to this review just go buy the game when its on offer.

To start the review:

The game was very similar to DBX1 and felt repetitive and boring.
The multiplayer is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ the servers are terrible (P2P I am pretty sure).
(Some people might like this) Alot of grinding in the game at least compared to DBX1.
The fighting gameplay quickly gets boring.
Half the moves in the game are either useless or not worth grinding for.
Spamming in ranked makes it unplayable at least not fun.
You could mistake this for a paid dlc for DBX1.
(Like the last point) It feels like a paid dlc.
Replay-ability is abismal.
More expensive that it needs to be.

I would also like to say I played DBX1 alot and couldn't play multiplayer so maybe that would influence my decision.

Very enjoyable if you haven't played DBX1 in a while.
If money is not a problem then buy it.
Alot more moves.
Combat can be fun (At least for a bit).
If you are a huge Dragon Ball fan then you will enjoy it.

As I brought this game before christmas so I brought it full price season pass included. But that is what angers me alot, it is not worth the price at all, at least not for someone who played alot of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 I would not reccomend buying the game unless you are a really big Dragon Ball fan.

Do not buy the season pass I beg you. The DLC is very lacking in content and not worth the price if you really want a charcter than wait for the individual dlc.

Posted 10 March, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
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132.9 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
Kholec That is all...

Posted 24 May, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
161.4 hrs on record (27.8 hrs at review time)
Posted 8 February, 2015.
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22.9 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
This is a good game buy it NOW!!!!!
Posted 21 January, 2015.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries