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_____________________WALL OF EMOJIS______________________
Review Showcase
84 Hours played
I'm playing on Ultra Violence, only saving when I pick up keys or start a new level, and I'm barely halfway through all of the total levels. This is the DOOM complete package (minus SIGIL II). It's crazy how much DOOM there is to play here. Amazing bang for your buck, and a must play for any gamer that's even slightly interested in the history of first person shooters.
Review Showcase
165 Hours played
It's pretty good. I've put in countless hours on multiple systems. Lots of potential grind for armor, pets, cosmetics, mounts, etc. You like bosses!? There's a bunch! Like rpgs? Wanna play a cute little 2d sprite minecraft-ish game? This is just sucha great game, and don't even get me started with mods

GRIMx667 3 Apr, 2022 @ 6:11pm 