Not as Fenix as you think! Generally? A goofy loot goblin with hoarding problem, filled with bad dad jokes and weird sense of humor x)) It's not about the skill - it's about fun! Let's play and say GG after all :D

Do you like crazy ideas, twisting tongue and nice, friendly, person? You can always watch me live on twitch :)

There are chance you met me in some games as : Pheoxin, Jimori, Waraki, TravoL, Travoltino :))
CyberT3rrorizt 28 ก.พ. @ 8: 21pm 
+ REP Yeah, i have seen that Your Dude stays open on the Street. My Mate kills him before i get my Shot :D Yes, still keep going Your Style, we see us on the Battlefield :) Nice Dude, i wish You all the Best :)
CyberT3rrorizt 20 ก.พ. @ 5: 21pm 
Thank You, and i was massive surprised when i get the HeadShot Marker :D But gz to You and Your Team, was a nice Fight :)
CyberT3rrorizt 20 ก.พ. @ 4: 47pm 
I don't saw you, but my Teammate says you must be there and i shot randomly and hey, it was your Head ... Lucky Day for me Man,... Sooooooorrry :D
Next Gen Bilbo 8 ก.พ. @ 6: 53pm 
We were at the circus. you were inside the tent, we had a prolonged fight (me with the bow) around the mounts next to the slim bridge between sweetbell flour and arden parish. In the end me and your mate traded I think ^^ It was a good fight.
Next Gen Bilbo 8 ก.พ. @ 3: 38pm 
Haha, good fight <3. All dead :D
Scoliosis 14 พ.ย. 2024 @ 2: 07pm 
yea, you suprised me with katana :D . btw sorry for my :)