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16 av 51 (31%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Amateur Bard

Collect your first musical instrument! Keep playing, even when everyone begs you to stop.
Upplåst 27 dec, 2016 @ 2:10

Perfectly Generic Achievement

Obtain the mythical perfectly generic item.
Upplåst 27 dec, 2016 @ 1:52

Just like mum used to make!

Practice your chef skills. Try not to harm anyone.
Upplåst 28 dec, 2016 @ 18:12

First Mate

Recruit your first crew member. Captain!
Upplåst 28 dec, 2016 @ 20:21

Monster Whisperer

Capture a monster. How does it fit in that tiny ball?
Upplåst 27 dec, 2016 @ 17:20

Traveling in Style

Obtain a cool vehicle. Pop some sweet wheelies.
Upplåst 27 dec, 2016 @ 17:36

Book Club

Find a Codex. On Earth it's rude to read other people's diaries.
Upplåst 27 dec, 2016 @ 0:21

Augmented Reality

Augment your EPP. Now it's an AEPP.
Upplåst 27 dec, 2016 @ 15:46

Adventurer Eventuality

Complete a quest! Joke's on you, there isn't any XP in this game.
Upplåst 26 dec, 2016 @ 21:30

The Hopeful

Fix your ship.
Upplåst 27 dec, 2016 @ 12:45

Congratulations on Your Graduation!

Survive the Protectorate. It could have been worse.
Upplåst 26 dec, 2016 @ 21:30

The Wanderer

Meet Esther.
Upplåst 26 dec, 2016 @ 22:47

Not a Llama

Obtain a complete alpaca costume. Use it only for good!
Upplåst 31 dec, 2016 @ 21:20

Protected Protector

Obtain an entire set of armour. Now use dye to make your armour fabulous.
Upplåst 28 dec, 2016 @ 17:20

Feathered Friend

Recruit a penguin mercenary from the Beakeasy.
Upplåst 28 dec, 2016 @ 20:21

The Simple Life

Harvest a crop. See what happens when you eat it.
Upplåst 26 dec, 2016 @ 21:38


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