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5.5 timer registreret i alt
This game is like a Mario game if it was made by David Lynch. It can be frustrating at times but if you stay calm and persevere it always pays off. With some very clever puzzles and cool in-game physics it is a very satisfying game to figure out and explore.

The design is really awesome and they did everything they could to keep things interesting throughout the whole campaign. The look of this game is very well done too and the animations add a lot of character to the whole experience.

The sound is amazing also with a lot of audio cues that help to time things in the platforming sections. Overall Limbo is a memorable little platform game that stands out as a unique and enjoyable experience.
Skrevet: 27. februar.
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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
42.2 timer registreret i alt (42.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Dead Space Remake is totally excellent and it’s one of the best remakes I’ve played so far. It is definitely on the same level as Resident Evil 2 Remake and maybe even better than that game. The original Dead Space game from 2008 is still great to play here on Steam, I played through the campaign back in 2022.

This Remake adds so much though with quality design and expert choices made by a team who really honored the series. It makes this version of the game a must play all on its own even if you’ve recently played the original. They really did everything here that justifies making a remake with total respect for the original.

It’s definitely a case of creating the final vision of what the original developers would have done back with the original game if they had had today’s technology. They opened up the Ishimura ship to create a more open world environment with the refined tram system acting as a hub. The new side missions give reasons to backtrack around this newly designed ship. While the new AI generated enemy encounters and random events make everything feel very immersive.

The weapons in this remake are so satisfying to use too, especially the flame thrower. Maybe because the lighting is awesome and consequently using the flamethrower is a sight to be seen. The Ishimura looks so good in general in this remake and the attention to detail is so well done. There are some rooms and corridors on the ship that really make you stop and stare.

Dead Space 2008 was already an intense experience and this remake takes the atmosphere to a whole other level. I almost had a panic attack after playing with headphones for a couple of hours. The corridors on the ship are so creepy and claustrophobic and the monsters are so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ instense. I was running around the ship doing side missions when I stopped to stare at a particularly creepy corridor. I was thinking to myself, ‘that corridor looks awesome’, then my heart started beating faster and I had to stop and take a break for a while.

The sound design is top notch as well and really messes with your head. There are random sounds all over the ship and it really raises the immersion factor even further. That’s it really… they totally knocked it out of the park with this Remake. They stayed loyal to the original game and just made it even more awesome with absolute quality game design and creative choices.

It’s one of the best and well made remakes or games in general out there in 2024. I totally recommend that you play and it is a must play videogame.

Absolutely fantastic stuff!!!
Skrevet: 8. november 2024.
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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3.6 timer registreret i alt
Midnight Club 2 came out before GTA San Andreas and I remember at the time everyone was saying that the driving in this game would be the same in the new GTA. I had this game on the PS2 and I played it a lot back then. The driving was awesome at the time and I remember being excited for the release of GTA San Andreas.

I am impressed that this Steam version of the game still runs great in 2024 with no tweaks. It looks pretty good too in 4K, even the community control scheme works pretty good with an Xbox controller on a TV. The really cool thing about Midnight Club 2 though is the design of the races with exciting stuff happening in each race.

Rockstar Games made all of the races fun and interesting with crazy jumps and driving under trucks. This is a fun racing game and has an early Rockstar Games, GTA vibe. It's pretty crazy that you can still play this game with good performance in 2024 on a 4K TV. I was trying it out for this review and I ended up getting sucked in and playing more than I intended.

I recommend playing it for a surreal experience going back in time to 2003 in 4K 60 FPS. It's a classic game from Rockstar that amazingly still works great on a modern PC.
Skrevet: 7. september 2024.
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5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.8 timer registreret i alt
Man this game is old, I played this game a lot on the PS2 when I couldn’t afford to buy an XBOX 360. Battlefront 2 was a fairly late release on PS2 around the same time as Metal Gear Snake Eater. This game is great fun, it’s mainly designed as a multiplayer third person or first person shooter but the singleplayer is great too.

It has all of the Star Wars charm and character with the classic music and sound effects from the series. The level design is fantastic and all of the classic characters are here. This game still runs great with no tweaks at 4K 60FPS, it looks old but in a good way, I think the graphics have aged well. It’s surreal to play this game at high resolution on a big TV IN 2024.

As soon as I started playing, I got sucked into the gameplay all over again. Capturing the command posts and destroying turrets seems like basic gameplay by today's standards. In this game though it is compelling, I think it’s because the difficulty is well balanced, it’s challenging in a way that feels good. This game also includes space combat which also has some really addictive gameplay. Destroying shields and taking over the command ships in orbit around a planet is great fun too.

I highly recommend classic Star Wars Battlefront 2, it’s a great game even in 2024. This Steam version runs totally fine and the game has aged very well.
Skrevet: 6. september 2024.
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7 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
4.7 timer registreret i alt
Outlast is a fantastic game and quite unique in it’s design especially when it first came out. I finished the campaign on PS4 shortly after it was released. The gameplay is very minimalist but the developers manage to keep things interesting throughout the whole campaign. You basically just use stealth and run away and hide from your enemies. However the environments, characters and scenarios keep things interesting.

How they managed to keep coming up with interesting ideas working with such limited gameplay is impressive. There is one moment in particular where I thought, ‘how the hell am I gonna get out of this situation?’. Then the solution was genius and actually very simple at the same time. The developers show real confidence in their game design and it’s a great experience.

This game even has one of the funniest and creepiest parts that I will never forget. With a couple of evil characters with their wieners hanging out. The ‘Whistle Blower’ DLC is awesome too and has more of a faster pace to it. The game looks beautiful at 4K 60 FPS and the performance is perfect for me. This Steam version is a great way to experience the game at higher settings than on console.

Outlast is a well designed and unique experience that is pretty much a horror game classic for me. It’s one of my favorites and I highly recommend it.
Skrevet: 6. september 2024.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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3.7 timer registreret i alt
I almost finished this game on the PS3 back in 2013, I just got frustrated with the final boss and never went back to finish it. Remember Me is a good game with some nice ideas and cool design. There is some depth to the gameplay and the developers keep things interesting throughout the campaign by consistently adding in new challenges.

It has a science fiction setting and it’s pretty cool stuff, this developer went on to make the Life is Strange games. Remember Me is actually a very nice game if you give it a shot. There is something funny about this game too that I always remember. The main character is not so much the girl in the cover art but rather her 'sexy butt cheeks'. She does in fact have a great ass and it is in your face for most of the game, it’s pretty obvious that the developers value a girl with a great ass.. hahahaha.

Anyway, I am not complaining as it’s all part of the fun but my girlfriend even commented on this when she saw me playing. Remember Me is kind of a hidden gem made by developers who are now famous for another more successful series. It is fun to play for the most part even if some of the later boss fights drove me nuts.

This version on Steam runs great at 4K 60FPS and it looks great too with a cool art style that has aged well.

I recommend giving it a shot, if you are an ‘ass man’ like myself you will love it even more! ;)
Skrevet: 6. september 2024.
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11 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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4.6 timer registreret i alt
This game was very special when it came out all the way back in 2009. I finished the campaign on the PS3 and spent time doing the challenges and getting collectables. It was an awesome game with combat and other things that we had never seen before.

This is the game that ‘made you feel like Batman’ really for the first time when it came out. The story is really good too with a great presentation of Batman’s origin story told through Bruce Wayne’s hallucinations. It’s all very cool and I remember enjoying it a lot back when it was first released.

This version on Steam runs great in 4K and it looks amazing considering its age. Most of the game takes place in relatively small areas so it’s not a very demanding game. It is optimised very well for PC too so the performance is very smooth at 4K 60FPS with max settings.

Arkham Asylum is one of the best games ever made and in 2009 it was very special. It has been copied many times now by other games for its gameplay. It’s definitely worth checking out here on Steam to try it with higher settings. Also if you have never played it before you are in for a real treat playing it for the first time with this PC version.

Definitely recommend it as one of the best games ever made!
Skrevet: 6. september 2024. Sidst redigeret: 6. september 2024.
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16 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
27.2 timer registreret i alt (11.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
So, my wife and daughter love this game and it is awesome fun. I started playing it out of curiosity and as soon as my wife saw it she wanted to play. She doesn’t normally care about video games but Rayman Legends was an exception. Then my daughter saw her playing it and she reacted exactly the same way. Now both of them have almost finished the whole game with me watching.

I’ve also spent some hours playing it and it is an amazing game. The art style is unique and very cool, the gameplay is fun too and filled with good ideas. The levels consistently introduce fun and interesting new gameplay elements throughout the campaign. The music is awesome and they even have rhythm levels where you run and jump along with some great songs.

There is an addictive unlockable and collectable system too that involves saving little creatures. The whole game is fun and beautiful with a real genius behind it’s design. I haven’t been this impressed with a platforming game since I played Super Mario 3 or Super Mario World on the Super Nintendo.

Rayman Legends actually really reminds me of those classic platformers. Which were also filled with character and interesting ideas with new elements constantly added in throughout the campaign.

This game is awesome and I totally recommend it
Skrevet: 4. september 2024.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
4.1 timer registreret i alt
This game is fun for the most part but it gets crazy frustrating in the later levels. It has a cool little item unlock and level progression system. It’s a kind of ‘so bad it’s good’ game too with a cringey extreme sports, bad boy kind of vibe. It’s funny in a really stupid way, with an edgy tone so I got into this one more than I thought I would.

The Trials gameplay is nice too and kind of a different type of gameplay experience for me. It runs fine, with nice detailed backgrounds and fun physics to get the hang of. I recommend this game for a bit of fun even if I didn’t finish the campaign. The later levels just became frustratingly hard in some places.

I think that’s where the design falls apart a bit with this game. When they increase the difficulty, it gets a bit cheap and stops being fun. It is a nice little game for the most part though and definitely worth checking out for a cheap price.

I got much more fun out of it than I expected to.
Skrevet: 4. september 2024.
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5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
5.1 timer registreret i alt
Street Fighter 2 is a totally iconic game that I played a lot as a kid on the Super Nintendo. It’s amazing to play it again here in this collection. Everything works great and it’s a solid collection in terms of performance and presentation.

It’s very interesting to try out the other games in this series too. Especially the first Street Fighter game which is a bit surreal to play here. I remember when Street Fighter 2 was in the arcade I used to wonder, where is Street Fighter 1? We never saw anything about it when I was a kid. Now I can see that that game was a very generic and pretty boring game compared to Street Fighter 2.

Street Fighter 2 was special, mainly because of the iconic characters that were introduced. With the special moves which are iconic too, like the fireball and spinning kicks. The music as well and the dialogues for each character are all fantastic. Zangief’s laugh and of course the ‘hadouken’, it’s really cool to go back and experience Street Fighter 2 again.

The other games in the series are very interesting to take a look at here too. I had never played most of the games that came after Street Fighter 2 either. So overall this collection is totally great and a perfect way to replay Street Fighter 2. This is great example of game preservation for me, I love having this collection here on Steam.

Skrevet: 4. september 2024.
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