Yan henryk   Brazil
Gamersclub [] Twitter
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Who am I?
I am what you call the world.
Or perhaps the universe, or perhaps God, or perhaps truth, or perhaps all, or perhaps one, and I am also


-high -threads 4 -freq 144 -novid +mat_queue_mode 2 -tickrate 128

sensi: 400 dpi 6/10 wind.
sensiCS: 3.5
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
:csgoct: COPA PISTÃO - Relampago Marquinhos
2nd Lugar NGC @Lan //SRGaming (f1rst, b0ca, allexmeister, abnegação, nich)
3th Lugar Liga Amadora Janeiro//18 Gamersclub /GdD (f1rst, FBN, Rdz, DISGRETA, luk1nh4)
2nd Lugar NGC @Lan //Imortz (f1rst, nat0L, reno, pasta, alf)
5th-8th FACEIT MAJOR SA OPEN QUALIFIER #2 //JOGANET (f1rst, ricz, Lukz, COXA, moon)
DOMINGUEIRA Fakezin // (f1rst, v$m, f4stzin, dmL, danoco)
Liga Principal Fevereiro/18 Gamersclub //GdD (f1rst, FBN, Rdz, DISGRETA, luk1nh4)
Liga Principal Julho/18 Gamersclub //UCHIHA'S (f1rst, mentz, fell$, DiegoA, rnh)
Liga Principal Dezembro/17 Gamersclub //GdD (f1rst, pesadelo, luk1nh4, volk, fury)
Liga Principal Maio/18 Gamersclub //We Are Br (f1rst, remember, madox, JGOD, pulsezor)
Liga Principal Agosto/18 Gamersclub //UCHIHA'S (f1rst, mentz, fell$, DiegoA, rnh)
Liga Principal Novembro/18 Gamersclub // .ORG (f1rst, Toguj, Punished, Doiz, exp)
Liga Principal Dezembro/18 Gamersclub // SixSix (f1rst, Pacein, Dvyno, Brenim, Andreyzera)
Liga Principal Fevereiro/19 Gamersclub // FAKE (f1rst, glymC, gMtzaoo, ??????, matthew)

cAmyy 25.1. klo 9.51 
Ɑ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞ
luke 19.1.2024 klo 15.37 
miss u :necroheart:
puni;] 2.10.2023 klo 2.14 
"Apesar de tudo, devia fazer os bagulho, fica de criancice..."
cAmyy 13.2.2023 klo 6.36 
Ɑ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞⱭ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ̶̶͞ ﻝﮞ
luke 29.1.2023 klo 13.57 
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
f1rstzinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :necroheart:
yungher 3.10.2022 klo 7.34 