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Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
19/34 (56%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Band of Brothers

Complete a fireteam mission with a full fireteam of players from your Friends List.
Avattu 9.7.2023 klo 8.11

Six in Six

Play Six Days for six hours.
Avattu 2.7.2023 klo 7.35

Heal a Teammate

Interact with a downed teammate to prevent bleeding out and bring them back into the battle.
Avattu 1.7.2023 klo 10.23

First Promotion

Congratulations! You earned your first stripe!
Avattu 2.7.2023 klo 5.41


Complete a fireteam mission playing the ASSIST role, who specializes in CQB.
Avattu 3.7.2023 klo 7.50


Complete a fireteam mission playing the FIRE role, who uses the M249 SAW and specializes in suppression.
Avattu 2.7.2023 klo 5.41


Complete a fireteam mission playing the READY role, who specializes as the fireteam's scout.
Avattu 2.7.2023 klo 2.44

Proven Leader

Successfully complete a 4 player fireteam mission as Team Lead with minimal loss.
Avattu 8.7.2023 klo 23.34

Own the Night

Complete a mission during the "Flare" Time of Day.
Avattu 30.9.2023 klo 8.01

Ride Out the Storm

Complete a mission during a Sandstorm.
Avattu 20.12.2023 klo 7.02

Vigilant Resolve Veteran

Complete the Vigilant Resolve Campaign Mission.
Avattu 8.11. klo 7.04

Operation al-Fajr Veteran

Complete the Operation al-Fajr Campaign Mission.
Avattu 8.11. klo 7.49

Train Station Tactician

Complete Northern Train Station single-player, playing with an AI fireteam.
Avattu 8.11. klo 8.04

Apartment Tactician

Complete Apartment Building single-player, playing with an AI fireteam.
Avattu 14.11. klo 8.05

Phase Line Henry Tactician

Complete Phase Line Henry single-player, playing with an AI fireteam.
Avattu 14.11. klo 8.15

Jolan Square Tactician

Complete Jolan Public Square single-player, playing with an AI fireteam.
Avattu 10.11. klo 2.17

Amusement Park Tactician

Complete Jolan Amusement Park single-player, playing with an AI fireteam.
Avattu 10.11. klo 2.36

West Manor Tactician

Complete West Manor single-player, playing with an AI fireteam.
Avattu 10.11. klo 1.56

HLZ Wolf Tactician

Complete HLZ Wolf single-player, playing with an AI fireteam.
Avattu 10.11. klo 3.12

Apartment Expert

Complete a FUBAR Apartment Building Mission with Hard AI difficulty.

Jolan Square Expert

Complete a FUBAR Jolan Public Square Mission with Hard AI difficulty.

Phase Line Henry Expert

Complete a FUBAR Phase Line Henry Mission with Hard AI difficulty.

Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast

Complete a FUBAR mission on Hard AI difficulty, with no deaths.

Train Station Expert

Complete a FUBAR Northern Train Station Mission with Hard AI difficulty.

Train Station Veteran

Complete a Northern Train Station mission with Hard AI difficulty.

Apartment Veteran

Complete an Apartment Building mission with Hard AI difficulty.

Phase Line Henry Veteran

Complete a Phase Line Henry mission with Hard AI difficulty.

Jolan Square Veteran

Complete a Jolan Public Square mission with Hard AI difficulty.

Amusement Park Veteran

Complete a Jolan Amusement Park mission with Hard AI difficulty.

Objective Virginia Veteran

Complete an Objective Virginia mission with Hard AI difficulty.

West Manor Veteran

Complete a West Manor mission with Hard AI difficulty.

HLZ Wolf Veteran

Complete an HLZ Wolf mission with Hard AI difficulty.

Objective Virginia Tactician

Complete Objective Virginia single-player, playing with an AI fireteam.

Firewatch Medal

Complete training.