Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
Ei suositeltu
0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 2,200.7 tuntia (1,361.4 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 23.12.2019 klo 22.51

The points are made and ranks don't matter, anymore. Ever since this game has gone free to play I have seen an influx of smurfs and hackers. Valve also needs the fix the matchmaking, I am constantly being matched against people atleast 3 ranks higher than me and valve says this is ok because they are queued with one person who is one rank below me. 3/10 use to be slightly better. is still fun to play with friends as long as none of you care about ranks or actually doing good
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