United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Can BHVR fix their game so I don't d/c randomly? :dustpan:
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." - Edgar Allen Poe
BlackFlash908 18. říj. v 11.00 
+rep steagul
cosycaits | TTV 4. srp. v 13.53 
+rep roasted jamie in endgame chat x
Alps- 23. čvn. v 12.22 
+Rep Cute killer :CatHi:
TTV-Caring_With_Colours 13. čvn. v 18.13 
+rep a cool killer on a LTM
skeeb 29. kvě. v 14.04 
+rep such a nice demo
shit goblin 18. kvě. v 15.27 
+rep the best demo