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8.3 hrs on record
It is a puzzle game where you have to figure out the rules yourself. Most of the gameplay revolves around filling in boxes in the correct way. There is also some light exploration but really really light.

Compared to the Witness which has the same premise: this game is the Witness but 2d, shorter and with slightly less frustration, at least to me.

There have been some complaints about some of the puzzles and I do agree that some of them have a little bit convoluted rules. But I liked that. It made it so that I had to test my hypotheses more which I enjoyed. If anything there could have been some more sandboxey puzzles with mulitple solutions so you could try out your hypotheses because at times it was a bit frustrating to not fully know the rules but still be able to solve the puzzles.

I did google one solution and afterwards I felt a little bit stupid for not spending more time trying to understand the answer of a puzzle that I just thought was unfair. It turned out that the puzzle was in fact fair. So there's that :) I recommend against googling.

Played on steam deck which I highly recommend.
Posted 14 March, 2024.
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9.2 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
I liked Wargroove 1. I'd say that Wargroove 2 is that game with more content. The new units and other new elements are interesting and add to the tactical gameplay.

Then why a negative review? The two modes I was interesting in, campaign and quest just sucked. Let me explain.

The campaign: There's just so much clutter that prevents me from playing the actual game! I want to play interesting tactical battles but there's just so many cutscenes, conversation and full complete maps where you do nothing but walk and talk to npcs.
I did try to follow the story for a bit and it is a complete waste of time. Maybe if I was 10 would have found it nice.
I don't get it.
Don't add clutter to your games folks, you're wasting everyone's time.
I will play some more of the campaign though just because I like the underlying gameplay. I just feel like it could have been good but isn't due to bad added content.

The roguelike quest mode: It's bad. It could have worked but there are some major things holding it back: the lack of interesting matterful choices and the fact that units are so precious. Your power grows linearly over the course of the quest if you keep everything alive. But in case your units die you just lose. Usually not due to you playing good or bad but more often due to a bad event happening to you. And if I win it doesn't feel as the things I did really mattered as the few bonus items you pick up are like "get one bonus shield on one unit" so they don't matter. The enemies also don't really have any interesting tricks, they just scale in numbers and strength.

tl;dr: Boring and lame.
Posted 14 March, 2024.
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57.9 hrs on record (32.5 hrs at review time)
It's like the other coh games but more fun. Only in it for mp, can't say anything about sp.
Posted 30 March, 2023.
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32.9 hrs on record (17.3 hrs at review time)
Really good quality action game!

Only concern is the brutal amount of grinding. I find that a bit weak.
Posted 29 September, 2020.
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3 people found this review helpful
4.6 hrs on record
I'm the type who doesn't have lots of time so I enjoyed the condensed style of experience this game brings. I liked the resident evil vibe of the game at first but soon the gameplay felt repetetive.
I disliked the whole train part so much. The only thing it brought was the nice atmospheric backdrops and music. I hated the boring management of the train and the passengers and the fact that you missed out on the conversation because you had to tend to boring stuff.
As far as the story goes, it was alright. Some cool concepts condensed in a short timespan. Thumbs up! But the fact that you don't really get what happened in the end is not something I personally enjoy. Also, most of the side story content (such as notes and messages logs left everywhere) is totally pointless and unenjoyable.

+ general atmosphere. Very very well done!
+ length of playthough. Roughly 5 hours which is great for people with jobs and family!
+/- gameplay. Great at first, gets repetetive.
- the train minigame
- all meaningless, boring notes and messages everywhere. You want to read everything in case you get a hint at what's going on but it's mostly just really bland everyday stuff.
- the story seems very disconnected and sometimes the tone is fluctuating a bit too much. Especially when you get to cities.

In the end I value story and gameplay over atmosphere so I'd give it a miss if you feel similarly.
Posted 22 September, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.6 hrs on record
Still a good game.

As many have pointed out, the rewind mechanic is seriously flawed and makes the game a less enjoyable experience.
The story is also kinda lame when you figure everything out.
But I liked it. Some cool moments to be had for sure!
Posted 6 September, 2019.
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23 people found this review helpful
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8.2 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
A minimalistic game where every turn is a new puzzle. Heavy rng, rougelike elements and some tough decision making.
Starts out very interesting when you explore how you can exploit the game mechanics. Then it got boring and frustrating.

The most interesting decision making happens when you have to sacrifice something (happens all the time) be it mech health, secondary objectives or grid power. That's where the game shines in my opinion because you have to balance short and long term goals in an interesting way.

Where the game becomes more frustrating than fun in my opinion is that the vek (the alien threat) gets to do stuff and you only react to it. Sometimes you have to make a sacrifice because the rng puts you in a position where it is impossible to make a better play. There are some limited and very high-level plays you can do (skilled pre-emptive placement) to avoid some of the most frustrating stuff they throw at you (spider emerging, trapping 2 of your mechs) but I didn't get to that point and I felt it wasn't very interesting thinking through possible upcoming scenarios because most scenarios are fine, there are just some that are so horribly bad for you that there is no chance for you to do anything about it except making heavy sacfifices. Though I said that the decision making behind making sacrifices shines, you more often than not get no more feedback than "I got unlucky with simultaneous stupid webs + blobs".
I read some review somewhere (pc gamer?) that you never feel like you get to do the fun stuff (attacking, destroying), you only react to what the vek throws at you with sometimes very limited options.

- perfect on a laptop
- loved it when I was still exploring the game mechanics
- potential for "genius" moves where you find the one set of moves that saves you from a seemingly hopeless situation
- sacrifices are interesting and necessary, affecting long- and short-term goals

- Stops being fun after you discover the basic ideas of the game.
- webs. It is an interesting mechanic in the most rare occations. More often or not it just decreases the number of options you have and forces your hand.
- Not too interesting. You react to what happens and it has a mechanical and repetetive feel.

I admit that I found this game interesting to begin with. But would I recommend this to someone I know? No. Wouldn't be able to defend that.
Posted 29 January, 2019.
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2.5 hrs on record
Amazing. Quite creepy.
Very different from most other games.
Recommend for everyone!
Posted 8 September, 2018.
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6.8 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
I play this only for the spaceship and the longbow games.
I usually show the longbow game to people who never played room-scale vr games before to get them hooked :)
Posted 9 July, 2018.
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6.5 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Really fun with one or two friends.
Beware that this game doesn't scale well with more than 1 + 1-2 people because there are a limited number of things you can do at any given time.
Posted 9 July, 2018.
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