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Скорошни рецензии на l13w31yn

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5 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
1 човек намери тази рецензия за забавна
18.2 изиграни часа
So, I Bought this years ago, and finally decide to play it (after fooling around when I first bought it) and what do I get? an unplayable game. no, I'm not talking the game play, I'm talking the fact that I have to jump through annoying and useless hoops with the publisher (seriously, don't put your game on a market place if you're just going to screw with people on your own website and third party BS, you cancerous stain on civilization. Ubisoft is the worst offender I've dealt with but frontier looks like a close second) all to be told that the launcher, not the game, the FREAKING LAUNCHER isn't updated properly and refuses to do so. I can't even get the launcher to work, let alone try playing again.

-3/10, would burn down the houses of the people who decided to make the idiotic choices that were made.
Публикувана 16 септември 2022.
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