GLK 9 mar 2024, ore 17:24 
randal thymes
KumpaS 24 mar 2023, ore 15:14 
görüş hilesi var
dao 21 set 2022, ore 14:16 
dao 19 apr 2021, ore 3:02 
to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Counter Strike. The Gameplay is extremely challenging and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the tactics will go over a typical gamer's head. There's also the terrorists nihilistic outlook - their personal philosophy draws heavily from Osama bin Laden's literature. For instance, they always want to take hostages. The russians understand this stuff; they are missing the intellectual capacity, which is needed to truly appreciate the depths of these actions, to realize that they're not just funny. As a consequence people who dislike Counter Strike are truly ARE rational - of course they wouldn't appreciate the humour in the agents existencial catchphrase "Eazy Peazy, Lemon Squeezy". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those people scratching their heads in confusion as Valve's genius unfolds itself on their 144hz gaming screens. How I pity them :steamfacepalm:. And yes, I DO have a carambit knife.
Alex 25 gen 2021, ore 12:05 
racist :steamsalty:
ChickenTeriyakiSauce 5 lug 2020, ore 9:40 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥
dao 1 lug 2020, ore 13:35 
cool profile
GLK 3 mag 2020, ore 10:15 
jog the dog 20 mar 2020, ore 10:35 
jog the dog 19 mar 2020, ore 10:49 
dra che erwa che !!!!
jog the dog 19 mar 2020, ore 10:46 
minimon ba rka tron kempft mit dem dra chen ohne za hn gegen nwooooo # like # dumenhoch #ährenman
jog the dog 4 lug 2019, ore 3:54 
grad 2 freimaurer brandt lädt zum nächsten maurerspektakel ein, schau doch auch vorbei du weißt wann du weißt wo
dao 30 mag 2019, ore 11:27 
jog the dog 1 mag 2019, ore 13:31 
hi you play gaeme
Moorus 2 feb 2018, ore 9:15 
nimm mal eben an
Alex 2 feb 2018, ore 9:04 
ich werde nicht annehmen + bad in csgo
jog the dog 7 gen 2017, ore 1:31 
hoe hoe hoe
Dot 9 giu 2016, ore 13:43 
jog the dog 16 dic 2015, ore 4:57 
womelegged maten
jog the dog 27 lug 2015, ore 12:54 
mags du würschen und grilen pls??
jog the dog 4 giu 2015, ore 10:26 
Hey Matsche, komm hol dir deine Schelle ab! :knight: