online- sure, messege me
away- im probably not there so no point in messeging me, unless for a trade.
busy- leave me alone, prob doing homework. do NOT messege me unless URGENT.
looking to trade- im always looking to trade. messege away.

"Items don't have any specific Value. A item is |ONLY| worth what BOTH parties are willing to agree on.Whether you follow bias spreadsheets or not, EVEN the Bias merchants who run the spread sheets clearly have it posted that. The sheets are to be used as 'Guide Lines' Therefore it should not be followed as a bible and instead it is implied to possibly have a give or take estimations.Its nice having a number although if nobody is willing to pay it that number becomes useless.

Prices need to go over and under the spreadsheet value. That is how we take supply and demand into account. As mentioned previously. Items are only worth what both parties are willing to accept on. If items are only being sold at a price of a sheet that means all prices will remain the same. We all realize that the sheets go up. And that is why we should go more by supply and demand and take the sheet as 25% or less of our final decision. Remember people who don't follow the sheet aren't shakers they are actually the people who make the prices real (Testers and realist). Without them you wouldn't see price change on the sheets thus making it unreal. ~~~Sincerely:FatCat"

If you support my opinion feel free to copy and paste it into your trade. This is used to help people understand how the economy really works and how it is made to work.

And no im not saying that we should stay away from spreadsheet prices. Some could be in your ranged price therefore we can't delete numbers" (ᴾᴾᴹ PVT.FatCat *-[Online]-*).
Momenteel offline
Dove no bike 6 nov 2013 om 20:24 