LeNz 17/out./2023 às 19:37 
Mr. Pibb :beers:, Pizza :pizzaslice:, Blunts and Joints :csgoct:
matcha 5/out./2020 às 22:51 
peepee poopoo
homunculus the third 9/nov./2019 às 21:44 
yall mfs got race car ♥♥♥♥♥
yom 12/nov./2018 às 22:53 
Gud 2 si these 2 yung brackins stay poed up a football in da styrofoam cup. All my 250 GANG. M U D G A N G 2 0 0 6
LeNz 15/abr./2018 às 19:27 
AllieB 1/abr./2018 às 21:01 
So you're going by "More Skids" now nerd? Haha whats up douche bag, it's Tanner from Highschool. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in school. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember Sarah the girl you had a crush on? Yeah we're married now. I make over 200k a year and drive a mustang GT. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up lol. Pathetic..
Hoser 19/jan./2018 às 12:49 
SOBR 27/jan./2017 às 19:36 
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…………..|: \: : : : : : : : : : : :-------~: : : : : |
I tell ya h'wat, you just got visited by the friendly Propane man
If you don't post this to 5 friends, you'll suffer pro-pain.
homunculus the third 27/jan./2017 às 18:03 
on a scale of 1 to high, how 10 are you?

the answer is: mostly
HeyBigHead 2/jan./2017 às 11:35 
Ì'ì\,.…_¸„--~~-„)…………… („-~~--„¸_….,/ì'Ì
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homunculus the third 26/dez./2016 às 11:55 
blyat blyat blyat blyat
Smiggie Balls 17/dez./2016 às 15:30 
I'll trade you my knife for your girlfriend <3
Dr. Steve Brule 13/dez./2016 às 1:02 
I found this mint PT cruiser on craigslist, think I might pick it up to cruise around town and pick some ladies up, got any advice for mods? I was thinking some mood lighting be great; it being my shaggin' wagon' and all.
////////////// 12/dez./2016 às 1:35 
+rep quentyn eats ass and has a better yt channel than haggard
CheezIt 7/dez./2016 às 16:12 
specs of your pc
homunculus the third 3/dez./2016 às 15:59 
rush b cyka
Pau-Pau 23/nov./2016 às 5:10 
when are you guys going to make a channel for gaming and other non car related stuff? :D BTW you guys are my favorite youtubers. keep it up!
siphon 19/nov./2016 às 21:40 
sign my profile dad
homunculus the third 19/nov./2016 às 16:01 
more skids is officially better than haggard in my opinion
Hoser 18/nov./2016 às 3:45 
Can you please adopt me?
Spaghetti Joe 18/nov./2016 às 1:02 
I saw you at evergreen one day but you were behind the media area ;(
filet o fish 2/out./2016 às 16:36 
Big Boss Quint I Love You
∆ LeaV GTR ∆ 1/out./2016 às 2:38 
quentyn ur the best youtuber
Jungo Boss 30/set./2016 às 23:10 
Trade items 22/jun./2015 às 8:50 
Hi i want trade with u this item
zaXy 2/abr./2015 às 0:04 
accept please